
  • Dec 17, 2016
  • Joined May 16, 2015
  • 0 best answers
  • Uberkist wrote
    zhoushijia11 wrote

    For a second time, I surrender myself to ioNx again and he returned me a "favor"

    Sounds hot.

    But, Cops always have a choice in who they send to jail or cuff/uncuff. IoNx broke no rules.

    *For a non violent crime, Civilians may surrender themselves to Police, if this happens, it's a CUFF/UNCUFF.
    Then maybe should remove this rule since it's depend on cops. This rule is pointless now.

  • Your In-Game name: ? MsM ? Barack Obama

    Offenders In-Game name: .ioNx 31st July

    Offenders Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:109739603

    What server did this happen on? CSGO RolePlay Server

    What rules did the offender break? *For a non violent crime, Civilians may surrender themselves to Police, if this happens, it's a CUFF/UNCUFF.

    Proof by screenshots or recorded footage, if any: I do have the demo record file. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2HiVinoxbU&feature=youtu.be
    The quality is bad but I do have the original demo file, if you need further evidences I would be glad to provide them.

    Other Comments: Firstly I'm really appreciated for ioNx's diligent work on map developing and the server maintaining. However, a high-rank official should demonstrate a positive image to all other players instead of being as power abuse/dictator-like leader. In ioNx's own words, "It's my choice, I don't have to follow the rules." At that time, we had 20 people on the server and nearly everyone was growing drugs, I did NOT kill anyone and all I did just selling drugs to the zombie guy. In less than 15 minutes, ioNx successfully send me to jail three times even I have surrender to him. For the first time, I didn't really care about stay in jail, and I patiently explained to him the rules that for a non violent crime, Civilians may surrender themselves to Police, if this happens, it's a CUFF/UNCUFF. I spoke on the mic and typed it to remind him, however he ignored me for the entire jail time (60s). For a second time, I surrender myself to ioNx again and he returned me a "favor" too, 60s jail time, the second time started bothering me and I attempted talk to him; well, he ignored me for the second time. For the third time, I turned on the record demo command and determine whether or not that he will send me to jail again.Congratulation to myself, I have enjoyed another 60s jail time. To be honest, I don't really want to make this a big deal, however ioNx's attitude was the main reason that brought me here, I tried to talk to him and all I'm looking for is a apologize but he returned me with a great speech "please, I really want to see the report, really, so I can laugh my ass off." I understand that you have much power on you, but rules are rules, if nobody is following the rules, what is the point to have the rules? I would be really appreciated if other officials review this case fairly and carefully.

  • Name: ? Barack Obama ?

    Hours on msg: 64

    Csgo Rank: GNM - MG2

    Money in bank: 210k

  • +rep pretty active
    but dude, stop rdm me all the time, kinda bothers me 😡

  • Yes, the donator should enjoy the privilege that they earned. But having a T skin as a cop is not acceptable because the fact that wrong skin would confuse both civilians and the cops.

  • Artameful wrote

    Obama's a nice guy, but I don't really see him on much, maybe 2 times at most. Also if being a t is getting boring, I probably wouldn't be focusing on making money, have fun, relax, it's a mode to make friends and have a good time.

    I'm pretty active in these three days and I believe you see it 🙂

  • 12 Sheckles a meme wrote
    zhoushijia11 wrote

    I promise I will be more active if I'm a cop. well I'm trying be more active now even I'm not a cop yet.

    That statement shows you only care about cop and not the server

    Thank you for being fastidious, I truly appreciate it.

  • I promise I will be more active if I'm a cop. well I'm trying be more active now even I'm not a cop yet.

  • I will play more if I'm a cop, it's kinda boring being a T now 🙁

  • In-Game name: ? Barack Obama ?

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:55368816

    Age: 18

    Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? Yes I do have a microphone and I am willing to use it.

    Days of the week you are available to play: I am able to play on everyday.

    Current Hours In-Game on our server: 16

    Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: Central Time Zone (UTC-06:00), Texas

    Rules you view as most important: Respect all players (not randomly killing new players)

    Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants? I would like to have some fun in the server and enforce the justice, guide and protect the new player. Meanwhile, I have a advantage of able to play everyday and this could let me easily helping others. I promise I would not abuse the cop's power and I would respect everyone in the server, stop the random killing in the server.