Community Rules
As a member, you agree to the following rules. These rules apply to this website and all game servers.
- Respect each other. Have basic manners and use common sense. Do not harass others or spread their personal information, including but not limited to: hate speech or hateful conduct, slandering, etc.
- Do not spam the chat or yell/scream in the microphone in-game.
- Listen to the staff. Their verdict is final.
- Advertising other services or server websites is prohibited unless permission is given.
- Be patient with us. Avoid excessively and deliberately complaining. If there is a problem, speak to an admin or make a thread on the forums.
- Do not exploit glitches found on the servers. Report any bugs here on our website. In addition, using any automated external program or modification to gain an advantage is not tolerated.
- Do not post overly NSFW, political, religious, or deceptive content.
- Do not evade bans.
- Do not use alternative accounts to evade punishment or gain an advantage.
If you have a problem with your punishment, speak about it with another higher admin or make a thread on the forums here.
RP Server Rules
- Mass RDMing is NOT allowed. (Killing ten or more players in five minutes)
- Do not ever kill a new player unless provoked. Doing so will result in a -$1,000 penalty from your bank. One exception is players with bounties or if they damage you first.
- Evading cuffs by disconnecting, switching jobs, or slaying yourself will result in VIP jail by a cop.
- Killing cuffs will result in VIP jail by a cop.
- Do not exchange RP money with other currencies, virtual or not (USD, RSGP, BTC, etc).
- No scamming. If you get scammed, refunds are only given under special circumstances.
- Exchanges made through third-party bets may not exceed the amount of $200,000.
- Combat logging (Disconnecting after stealing another player's items) will result in VIP Jail.
- Excessive VIPable offenses will result in further punishment.
Police Rules
- Cuff/Uncuff and Jailing is at 800+ Crime.
- Cops should punish players by VIP jailing when they break rules, such as Mass RDMing, avoiding cuffs, exploiting, etc.
- RDM as a cop will result in an instant demotion; Do not shoot unless shot at (or hurt) first.
- If there is only one person behind you, you may assume it was them who hit you if it was RIGHT after you were stabbed. Citizens slashing at you with their knives do not count. There will be a red beam that helps distinguish who damaged you.
- As a cop, if someone kills you, you may NOT revenge kill them back after you respawn. NLR for cops.
- Inactivity might result in a loss in your cop.
- No asking admins to rank you up. Your promotions automatically progress via the employer.
- Any citizen (VIP or not) is to be shot on sight upon entering locked doors in the Police Department.
- AFKing as a cop for long periods is not permitted.
- Use kickdoor to get inside locked homes only with bounties.
- Kickdoor may be used when a player has a bounty (2,500+ crime).
- Do not suicide to give a civilian your weapons.
- Do not switch back and forth to evade jail or being killed.
- Do not favor specific citizens as a cop. Play fair.
- Do not unjail another cop's prisoners without consent from that cop. Who you jail/cuff is also your responsibility.
Forum Rules
Not following these rules may lead to your post being removed from the forums.
- Treat everyone with respect. Keep conflicts confined in their relevant discussions.
- Avoid spamming or low-effort posts (e.g., repeatedly replying "lol" to gain post count). If a post amuses you, share why instead of posting a one-word response.
- Do not double post. Instead, use the “Edit” button in the bottom right of your post to update it.
- Stay on topic. Before posting, ensure that your contribution is relevant and adds value to the discussion.
- For applications, do NOT post a "+" or "-". Instead, reply with a clear explanation for your vote. If you respond to another user's vote, ensure your point is concise and specific. Keep in mind that applications are reviewed by a team, so replies should remain brief and focused.
- When creating a report thread or replying to an application, ensure that any statements you make about the specific member are accurate. Spreading false information damages your credibility and wastes everyone's time.
- Do not re-apply for the same position if your application was recently denied as the topic shall be locked and you will be informed. Please wait at least wait 2-3 weeks before posting another application.
- Do not only repost a quote without giving any reason. Although you may agree with that post you need to give a reason for your repost of the quote -> This rule does not apply in the following categories: Applications, Admin/Player Reports
- No bumping threads. -> This rule does not apply in the the following categories: Off-Topic Discussion