In-Game name: ? Barack Obama ?

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:55368816

Age: 18

Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? Yes I do have a microphone and I am willing to use it.

Days of the week you are available to play: I am able to play on everyday.

Current Hours In-Game on our server: 16

Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: Central Time Zone (UTC-06:00), Texas

Rules you view as most important: Respect all players (not randomly killing new players)

Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants? I would like to have some fun in the server and enforce the justice, guide and protect the new player. Meanwhile, I have a advantage of able to play everyday and this could let me easily helping others. I promise I would not abuse the cop's power and I would respect everyone in the server, stop the random killing in the server.

I havent seen you on very much, and if your on, your on for 10 mins???
inactive much?

I will play more if I'm a cop, it's kinda boring being a T now 🙁

Obama's a nice guy, but I don't really see him on much, maybe 2 times at most. Also if being a t is getting boring, I probably wouldn't be focusing on making money, have fun, relax, it's a mode to make friends and have a good time.

I promise I will be more active if I'm a cop. well I'm trying be more active now even I'm not a cop yet.

zhoushijia11 wrote

I promise I will be more active if I'm a cop. well I'm trying be more active now even I'm not a cop yet.

That statement shows you only care about cop and not the server

12 Sheckles a meme wrote
zhoushijia11 wrote

I promise I will be more active if I'm a cop. well I'm trying be more active now even I'm not a cop yet.

That statement shows you only care about cop and not the server

Everybody wants that power.
Plus why the heck did you post a cop application a couple after your first? If anything modify the original.

12 Sheckles a meme wrote
zhoushijia11 wrote

I promise I will be more active if I'm a cop. well I'm trying be more active now even I'm not a cop yet.

That statement shows you only care about cop and not the server

Thank you for being fastidious, I truly appreciate it.

Helps new or average players with anything they don't know.


I think your a little ready +rep

Artameful wrote

Obama's a nice guy, but I don't really see him on much, maybe 2 times at most. Also if being a t is getting boring, I probably wouldn't be focusing on making money, have fun, relax, it's a mode to make friends and have a good time.

I'm pretty active in these three days and I believe you see it 🙂

Accepted, have an admin teach you the ropes on playing as cop when you get employed.