i have fixed the length skittle and myback

- Mar 15, 2016
- Joined Feb 3, 2016
- 0 best answers
In Game Name- Crude
Age- 14
Steam ID-76561198268910502
Do you have a mircophone and are you willing to use it?- Yes i would use it in the right time it needs to be used
Days Of the week you are available to play - Everyday atleast 3-5
Current Hours In-Game-81
Mountian Time & Colorado
Rules You view as most important- I honestly think that Rdm is the most important because when there a new person and people like to be jerks and rdm thats not cool i have rdmed im gonna be straight up but im changed and i wanna help the server and not ruin it sorry to the people i have evey rdmed or been mean to
Why do you want to become cop and why should we pick you over other applicants - You should pick me because i would keep the server safe of those dumb rdmers and people that are here to mess around when those people are in the server whats the point of being in the server really we are here to have fun meet new people and be chill with everyone when someone is rdming it has to be stopped and i will make sure that it is stopped if im cop