
  • May 8, 2023
  • Joined May 1, 2023
  • 0 best answers
  • yeah i remember new players used to partially screw me when you were raiding they would just leave the server so i wouldn't get there drugs or anything and some daily players did also, henceforth it would help me if they can happen

  • So it has came to my mind that there isn’t much new things into The Csgo rp when we all came back nothing wrong with that but in my opinion in order to maintain a decent player base we need new things to get new players!

    First option

    Robbery’s turn out to be a big thing

    1 robbery’s will now pay out to 3-4k insted of 200$ BUT HAVE TO BE A ROBBER AS A JOB TO START THE ROBBERYS. 2 this will require more police to be on and actually have a NLR base to the game. 3. More people robbing more money it makes out. And a cooldown of 10-20 mins. 4. New way of making an income and having things to do in the server.

    Second option

    Storage units

    As of right now mostly everyone is spending 200-1m just to break into someone’s house to get 10-50k that isn’t worth my time to raid anymore if it’s like that. That is why I’m saying storage units. So insted of us always having guns or drugs on us we have to keep them in a storage unit to where anyone inside that place will be able to take from or use. When you die with it saying “Drug goods” on you after you bought 100. The 100 cactus plants or weed plants you had on you now goes to that player hence forth making it worth having it in ur house instead of on you.

    This will making raiding other peoples houses worth it and not so time wasting

    please put ur opinion below ❤️ and also new things to add!!!

  • Welcome back hope you enjoy your time back tell your friends!

  • In-Game name: !azer or Uncle Drip
    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:743450915 or hex is : 110000158a05246
    Age: 22

    Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? Trust me I love to use my mic

    Days of the week you are available to play: All unless work or family shit

    Current Hours In-Game on our server: 32 from revive and from last moonshade i had like 800+

    Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: Iowa CST/ Central time zone

    Rules you view as most important: this rule and i quote "If there is only one person behind you, you may assume it was them who hit you if it was RIGHT after you were stabbed. Citizens slashing at you with their knives do not count. There will be a red beam that helps distinguish who damaged you." and the rule that has the suicide for weapons

    Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants? As I grow up, I have always been interested in serving my community and making a positive impact in the world. After much contemplation, I have realized that becoming a cop is the best way for me to fulfill this desire. I believe I have the skills and qualities required to excel in this profession and be picked over others who aspire to become a cop. I loved to be a cop I believe I was like 4th of everybody who had cop in old Moonshade I enjoyed cop and everyone loved me as a cop I am always there for my duty as a whole im a great person for the job!