Very nice guy, worthy to be a cop in my opinion

- Jan 28, 2020
- Joined Jan 21, 2020
- 0 best answers
Sorry about that, thought you were one of my friends who I wanted to prank, that's why I killed you. And it's part of the game, isn't it? To steal other players stuff. When I first joined the server everybody scammed me. You gotta be more careful with your stuff.
In-Game name: StabbingPigman89
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:192178599
Age: 16
Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? Yes I do and I'm willing to use it a lot
Days of the week you are available to play: Basically every day, depends how much I need to study.
Current Hours In-Game on our server: 39
Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: GMT +2:00, Estonia
Rules you view as most important: Rules you view as most important: "Mass RDMing is NOT allowed. (killing ten or more players in five minutes)'' I don't like when somebody is constantly killing other people for ,,fun" , for me, it ruins some part of the game, if you just try to chill on the server and get killed so many times that your wish to play on that server goes away.
Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants? I am all time chill with everybody and help everybody in need. I really like to play on that server because I like its community, People are so fun there and it's nice to talk with people like they are. I would be a totally honest cop, not being a jerk to players I don't like that much and would treat everybody equally. I would love to be a cop, because to me it would add so much more fun to the game.