• Dec 11, 2016
  • Joined Jan 24, 2016
  • 0 best answers
  • i agree but, it should be like 2500 crime definitely not 1000

  • Why the fuck would i be able to get killed in the bank by another player if i have for say a 1300 crime. This rule makes zero sense and should only be allowed at 2500 crime! So not only did i lose 7k (which really isn't a big deal at all) but then when i spawn my crime isn't gone so the same guy can keep shoving his fucking knife in my ass and i cant do shit about it! Change this rule right now please!

  • +rep

    Great guy! very helpful

  • Is that you in your picture crip?

  • +Rep
    Very nice always wants to help new people and is mature/trusted

  • i do definitely agree but this is why were trying to come up with ideas for it. Its just a concept so obviously it might be op and chaotic for a bit but it will be tweaked to the point where its good. Remember the R8 when it came out? One shots across the map insanely accurate? well look at it now. Its just another gun in the game that is just as balanced at all of the other guns. Things like this just give you more options so we can do more and enjoy the experience a little bit more.

  • [member=588]Skittle[/member] Can you please just stop? like quit being so ignorant that you cant see the good in this concept. Open your brain a little wider so maybe you can understand. Also instead of insulting it maybe add on to it so it can be better and not be overpowered. Judgement is good when its used to help something to get better, but your doing it to criticize.

  • +REP
    This would actually be a perfect job! this would shine new light into the jobs on moonshade gaming! Makes it easy for admins, so they dont have to reset doors. This makes it insanely easy for new comers to get cheap rooms and house.
    Please accept this!!!!!!!

  • yeah your right myback i read it completly wrong lol qua7ro explained it and i do agree with your idea more

  • I like the line idea. It definitly isnt op at all. it will make it so there is one more job so that people can do more

  • I think you were on today. Werent you?

  • I agree and understand with those rules myback
    Im gonna make sure to put rdm'ers in jail for the full time!

  • +Rep
    Havent talked to him much but he keeps to himself.
    Pretty plain app but a good player

  • +rep
    Hes on the V.I.P building killing us with auto rifle....

  • +rep
    Rarely rdm's and never harasses. He also has showed a few new comers the rope

  • In-Game name: RCE
    Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:127626882
    Age: 16

    Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? Yes, I already do actively use it.

    Days of the week you are available to play: Everyday, about 2-4 hours.
    Current Hours In-Game on our server: 32 currently

    Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: Central Time Zone. Iowa, US.

    Rules you view as most important: I think the server should be fair for everyone. I personally think the most important rules are: no cheating, no random rdm, prevent harassment, and to make the server enjoyable for everyone.

    Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants? : I really enjoy this server and with the server growing as it is there needs to be more enforcement and I would really like to take part in helping the community out. I see myself sticking around this server for awhile so you won't be disappointed with me.