
  • Jan 24, 2020
  • Joined Dec 3, 2018
  • 0 best answers
  • Grubbsy wrote

    But most of the time being a cop is very helpful as you can often teach them how crime works when you cuff/jail them.
    Also if a new player rdms you can always explain them the rules of crime/mass rdm.

    On the other note Beefin is pretty active and has a good number of hours and they seem pretty nice.
    Also brings up a very good point and a problem I have failed to fix. Hopefully, he can fix it and keep the new players coming back to have some more fun.

    Any regular member can do that. Hell, I do it and I'm not a cop. I'm not saying he shouldn't be a cop, I'm saying that he could've focused more on the application, and less on the issues with the server side because other than his efforts of pointing out the situation with the new players, his application is empty at the bottom.

  • Beefin wrote

    I mean the mans 10 years of age cut him some slack

    That's the point. He is 10 years old.

  • A couple things. I agree with what he's saying about the 'assistance to new players' bit but, I wouldn't say that making a short application with a couple of reasons why he should become a cop is a great way to spread that message. All together I am neutral about him because of my lack of experience playing with him, but this application seems like it's (at most) trying to point to a minor problem the server has. I would recommend posting this in the Server Suggestion topic instead of this.

    Application 5/10 (Not very clear)

    Beefin just to note, you don't have to become a cop to assist new players. You can do it as a normal user and just be friendly.

  • Not a horrible attempt at an application. I would say that it needs more body and could be more descriptive (Via the specific times you can be active) and one of the questions is cut off. I have personal experience with Night Light and just from what I've experienced: He whines every time he dies,(Bad sport) He's immature, and I wouldn't currently be comfortable with him becoming staff at this point (in my opinion as a server player)

    To tell you the truth, I can't expect more from a 10 year old. I don't want to make him seem stupid because of his age, but there's nothing that points to intelligence here. I would be fearful of the abuse that might occur based on his past behavior, (The complaining and verbal conflictions after dying). The person he is seemingly complaining about again here is me, probably from when I fought him in-game more than a few times, and his 'Jailing to reduce MASS RDM' answer seems directed at me as if he is using this possible job as a way to get back at those who have had minor conflictions with him. (Just a thought)

    For the safety of the server players, I would want this application to be denied. But I would be more than open-minded to check out an improved application if he reapplied in another 2 weeks.