In-Game name: Kudos
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:31431828
Age: 19
Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? Yes I do have a microphone and I am willing to use it.
Days of the week you are available to play: I am able to play on Everyday with the exception of Mondays and Wednesdays.
Current Hours In-Game on our server: 41
Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: Pacific Time Zone, UTC-08:00, Los Angeles, California
Rules you view as most important: Do not ever kill a new player for no reason. Exceptions are these players have bounties, or immensely high crime.
I like this rules because we're never gonna get any new players if they keep dying before they learn the joys of the server. I always like seeing new people and the server would become dull if new players never come due to the veterans picking on them.
Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants? I want to become a cop because I believe I have all the prerequisites of becoming and officer. I also think that I should become a cop because as listed above, I get pretty frustrated when new players are being killed/harasses and it would be a lot easier to protect them as a police officer. Also, I have prior experience as I used to play as a cop in an RP hl2dm servers. I really enjoy this server and I think I'd enjoy it even more if I had the opportunity to play as a police officer! Thank you very much for your consideration and time reading all this.