In-Game name: Pappi Chulo
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:152400623
Age: 17 Turning 18 In November.
Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? Yes I do indeed have a microphone and yes of course I am very willing to use it.
Days of the week you are available to play: I am available to play every day of the week at any time from 2:45 pm EST until 12:00am - 1:00am on week days and on weekends I'm available from 12:00 pm to about 5:00am - 7:00am Unless other wise specified.
Current Hours In-Game on our server: My current hours on the server is 51 and climbing
Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: My Time Zone Is EST and my location on planet earth is Niagara Fall Ontario Canada.
Rules you view as most important: In my opinion the most important general server rule is "Do not ever kill a new player for no reason. Exceptions are these players have bounties, or immensely high crime." and "Mass R.D.Ming is NOT allowed." Because failing to abide by these rules may cause you to ruin the experience for other players on the server and I believe that every one should remain relatively happy and content while playing on the server. Now as of the most important cop rule in my opinion will have to be "Random Death-matching as cop will result in an instant demotion. Do not shoot at unless shot at first. because this also would also ruin the other players experience." And also I believe that "Do not favor specific citizens as a cop. Play fair." is very important because this would be unfair to certain players and I think that everyone should be treated equally regardless of reputation and or circumstances.
Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants? I would like to become a cop on Moon-shade RP because though I have not been here long I have grown to really like this server and I really enjoy playing on it. And id do anything to keep the server in tip top condition community wise by making sure people aren't taking advantage of anything. I Believe you should pick me over the other applicants due to my ability to be on the server mostly over 12hrs every day unless otherwise specified and that I am willing to commit to play on this server and aging keep it fair for all players. Id also like to inform you that I have read and studied all of the rules and in fact I can almost memorize them and I do plan to donate in the mere future not that that's relevant but still I thought it was worth pointing out.
Thank you for taking your time and consideration to review and hopefully accept my Police Application
~Pappi Chulo