Linx wrote
MurderousMorty wrote

-Purchasable Items-
Plant Monitor - Notifies you when your plants are all done growing
Printer Monitor - Notifies you when your printers are full
Booby Trap - Adds onto a door like a lock, explodes and deals damage if lockbreaker is used on it. Example, if a user adds lock, lock, trap, lock on a door, the second time someone tries to break a lock an explosion will occur.
Drug Harvester - Expensive item that you can load seeds into, it automatically grows / harvests for you. Users can collect the drugs from the machine (or have it send the drugs straight to invintory). For balancing maybe add a chance to blow up on collection / planting, a maximum amount of seeds you can add, or make it consumable so you have to buy another when it blows up or you log out, or have it destroy the seeds when it blows up.

Cuffed users drop guns, rather than having the guns just de-spawn.
Allow users to add locks to a door in bulk.

Allow users to put held guns in their inventory.
Lawyer NPC
Killing a player with a bounty reduces crime to 0.

I'm sure I can think up more, I'll keep posting if people like these types of ideas and want more. Pretty sure I've forgotten a few too.

THe one where u can put hed guns in inventory is too hard to implement. You got to take into account that it haas to reember the ammo in the weapon

these are all great ideas, but you got to take into account even though that all thos would help a lot of people, some will abuse it and take advatage of it. So keep in mind of that as well.

Security Camera - Apply to door. Keeps record of who broke your locks, and how many they broke.

MurderousMorty wrote

Security Camera - Apply to door. Keeps record of who broke your locks, and how many they broke.

good idea but that will take lots to code and stiff

MurderousMorty wrote

Security Camera - Apply to door. Keeps record of who broke your locks, and how many they broke.

these are all great ideas but in my opinion 1 at a time and the server needs some different things. I really like the security one but i think that is past our capabilities and would be to small of a thing for the time it would take. ( but overall keep the ideas coming really enjoy seeing all these new ideas )

Joey wrote

The problem with putting guns back into your inventory is with cops spawning in with free guns people can abuse the system and have a unlimited supply of guns. Other than that I don't see any issues.

make it so you cant do it as cop then.

Even though we can't implement all these features at once, it's a good idea to still write them down. That way when we do change something, we can refer back to here. Good job and keep the ideas flowing!

16 days later

Was talking about this in the server and a lot of people seemed to like the idea so:

Rare vendor that has a chance of spawning for a short amount of time. Maybe a 5% chance to spawn every hour on the hour or w/e is balanced.

Have it spawn and walk around for a short bit then de-spawn, or just have it spawn in obscure locations that require players to find it before it despawns.

Let the vendor sell rare items in limited stock with expensive price tags.

Crate drops via vendor basically, give it random inventory (like awps, jihads, jetpacks, etc..) in small amounts of stock (1-5 each item).

Could have it de-spawn after a certain amount of time, or when it runs out of invintory, or both. ;D

Rare item ideas:

Spawn NPC's: Spawn a banker / lawyer / dealer NPC or Item that stays till you disconnect.

Teleporter Pad: Pick a location that you can teleport back to. Balancing would need to be considered. Probably make the teleport take time to happen so you can't insta tele from combat, and have it destroy when you disconnect.

MurderousMorty wrote

Was talking about this in the server and a lot of people seemed to like the idea so:

Rare vendor that has a chance of spawning for a short amount of time. Maybe a 5% chance to spawn every hour on the hour or w/e is balanced.

Have it spawn and walk around for a short bit then de-spawn, or just have it spawn in obscure locations that require players to find it before it despawns.

Let the vendor sell rare items in limited stock with expensive price tags.

Crate drops via vendor basically, give it random inventory (like awps, jihads, jetpacks, etc..) in small amounts of stock (1-5 each item).

Could have it de-spawn after a certain amount of time, or when it runs out of invintory, or both. ;D

Rare item ideas:

Spawn NPC's: Spawn a banker / lawyer / dealer NPC or Item that stays till you disconnect.

Teleporter Pad: Pick a location that you can teleport back to. Balancing would need to be considered. Probably make the teleport take time to happen so you can't insta tele from combat, and have it destroy when you disconnect.

There used to be a teleport job, forgot the name of it. But it was taken away because players were exploiting it.

I believe the teleporter job was named the scientist.

Joey wrote

I believe the teleporter job was named the scientist.


I loved the scientist job used to make portals from drug dealer to bank, others made it from bank all the way to the top of the map. Good ol times

GreatKids wrote

I loved the scientist job used to make portals from drug dealer to bank, others made it from bank all the way to the top of the map. Good ol times

My squad have like 4-6 people in it, we would have one guy be a scientist and have a portal to our house to the bank, and the rest drug deallers and one lawyer. Was awesome in the good old days

Yeah that would've been fun. Sucks people decided to abuse it. But yeah all of these ideas are really good ideas but there is some important stuff that needs to be taken care of prior to adding this stuff. I think fixing what we already have in game that is currently broken will come before making some of these ideas since after all this is all going to be made from scratch. Unless someone knows how to make all this stuff since MyBack is really busy with some other stuff it would be a great help. Just keep in mind it needs to be compatible with everything in the server and not able to be abused. Would love to see some of this stuff implemented.

MurderousMorty wrote

Was talking about this in the server and a lot of people seemed to like the idea so:

Rare vendor that has a chance of spawning for a short amount of time. Maybe a 5% chance to spawn every hour on the hour or w/e is balanced.

I had this idea awhile back, but mine was a little different. Have you ever played Animal Crossing? There was that dog that came to town once a week and sold rare items. Maybe something like that.

Mewn wrote
MurderousMorty wrote

Was talking about this in the server and a lot of people seemed to like the idea so:

Rare vendor that has a chance of spawning for a short amount of time. Maybe a 5% chance to spawn every hour on the hour or w/e is balanced.

I had this idea awhile back, but mine was a little different. Have you ever played Animal Crossing? There was that dog that came to town once a week and sold rare items. Maybe something like that.

Redd? The Fox with the "Black Market"

Yeah, the tricky part is determining which items he would sell.

Mewn wrote

Yeah, the tricky part is determining which items he would sell.

I would think it should randomly select a few items that you can only get from crates every time it appears.

Mewn yass. Something similar to animal crossing would be noice.

What about an item bank, so you can leave items in a second inventory and clean up your personal inventory to less pages.

That would be nice but I'm not sure how this would be coded/implemented.