This would take for ever to implement into the game
Ranks: Drug Dealer in-game job Rankings
Denny wroteThis would take for ever to implement into the game
Yes, but it would be very good for the server if/when it is.
If it was kept basic then it probably wouldn't take very long ( of course assuming MyBack knows how to do it or knows somebody that knows how to do it. ) In addition to gaining crime from planting / picking up drugs you would gain another stat which would be experience. In the same way a cop can see his cuffs / minutes when he is a cop a drug dealer would be able to see his minutes / experience.
it would hopefully bring back more players
as a goal
Joey wroteIf it was kept basic then it probably wouldn't take very long ( of course assuming MyBack knows how to do it or knows somebody that knows how to do it. ) In addition to gaining crime from planting / picking up drugs you would gain another stat which would be experience. In the same way a cop can see his cuffs / minutes when he is a cop a drug dealer would be able to see his minutes / experience.
thats the thing we dont know if anyone knows how to do it
Denny wroteJoey wroteIf it was kept basic then it probably wouldn't take very long ( of course assuming MyBack knows how to do it or knows somebody that knows how to do it. ) In addition to gaining crime from planting / picking up drugs you would gain another stat which would be experience. In the same way a cop can see his cuffs / minutes when he is a cop a drug dealer would be able to see his minutes / experience.
thats the thing we dont know if anyone knows how to do it
I'm pretty sure MyBack wouldn't be "Lead Developer" if he couldn't code...
I'm sure MyBack either knows how to do it or knows how to learn how to do it
I just cached up with us, but yeah if its gonna take forever for a plug-in then you should probably be able to gain XP by selling the drugs or planting the drugs. What ever is best for developer.
I know im late on this but i wanna get my opinion out there. Ok this is a good idea but all this means is the rich get richer and the poor glide along because the rich are just wiping the poor out.And this addon would just increase the chance of this happening. Just my opinion
I'm fine with little things like in-game name colors and things like that but you shouldn't be able to gain a significant advantage over other players. Like Darek said, the poor shouldn't have to be trampled by the rich. If it doesn't change gameplay, I would support it.
I really like this idea ^^
Darek wroteI know im late on this but i wanna get my opinion out there. Ok this is a good idea but all this means is the rich get richer and the poor glide along because the rich are just wiping the poor out.And this addon would just increase the chance of this happening. Just my opinion
I completely agree with this.I think that instead of adding an advantage like people have been saying that maybe just the pure fact of having the tag available for use would be pretty neat. Kind of the same way the cop ranks work where you can have the names there as different ranks, but unlike the cop ranks where each rank has different advantages/disadvantages. This would actually bring some interest into growing cactus rather than only growing it for money.
Joey wroteDarek wroteI know im late on this but i wanna get my opinion out there. Ok this is a good idea but all this means is the rich get richer and the poor glide along because the rich are just wiping the poor out.And this addon would just increase the chance of this happening. Just my opinion
I completely agree with this.I think that instead of adding an advantage like people have been saying that maybe just the pure fact of having the tag available for use would be pretty neat. Kind of the same way the cop ranks work where you can have the names there as different ranks, but unlike the cop ranks where each rank has different advantages/disadvantages. This would actually bring some interest into growing cactus rather than only growing it for money.
Darek this already is happening
The rich have super-locked doors and big homes and gangs
Then there are the poor who cant do anything at all
Economy wipe please
Raise prices please
You cannot simply raise prices because then the poorer players also deal with those raided prices, resulting in it being useless. Other maps maximum price for homes was 10mil but on this map some houses range from 5-25 million. There is even a hosue for 100mil. We all know that some of these houses are going to be bought resulting in the decrease in money do I don't see the need for a economy reset. But if you're going to do a economy reset you need to do it now because I don't want to grind for the next month on this map just to find out its getting dumped at the end of the month. Simple as that.
yhe in-game color would mostly like not work because we already have donor that has color so it would be mixed up
Homura wroteyhe in-game color would mostly like not work because we already have donor that has color so it would be mixed up
Well I don't think it would be a colored name. It would be a job title. when you select to be a cop can choose your rank it says, for example, Recruit, in the scoreboard. I think it would be cool it worked similar to this way. You rank up by planting/harvesting drugs, which would give you experience similar to the way the police system works.