I have an idea of making rankings for the in-game job Drug Dealer. We should add rankings from selling drugs and making the rp money from it. Like, if you get the amount of RP money from selling drugs you gt to rank up, but if you lose it you go down a rank or more. Im gonna add least to greatest rankings below. (You can change the amounts of money you need to rank up if you think its unfair or unbalanced. Also maybe add more ranks or change the names.) +each rank should have its own color when right next to in-game name

Peddler: Sell goods/barter, a small/medium plot in the small town/city to reach Street Hustler. Amount Needed from drug money is $20,000.

Street Seller: Next rank from Peddler, you are now officially a dealer of the town/city. You need $35,000 from drug money to reach this rank.

Hustler: Next rank from Street Seller, you can go out now and say you grow drugs for a living. You need $50,000 drug money to move onto this rank.

Rich Citizen: Next rank from Hustler, you can now buy you own fancy and big place and have active members in your group. You need $100,000 from drug money to move to this rank.

Government Official: Rank advancement from Rich Citizen, you now kind of work by the side of the Government. You need $500,000 drug money to reach this rank.

Renegade: Enough with the small crap, its time for change. Next rank up from Government Official. No longer will you dwaddle with drugs, its time to run and own your own stuff and give no f**ks about anybody else except your group and helpers. You need $700,000 drug money to move onto this rank.

DrugLord: Next big advancement of all ranks you are now part of the respected big boys. No one messes with you now , you own your own squad, gang, mob, and exc. You need $1,000,000 from drug money to reach this rank.

Legendary: You are the best of the best, you deserve the best, because you ARE THE BEST at producing your drugs! You need $3,000,000 from drug money to reach this big rank advancement.

KingPin: Last and the best rank, the KingPin. You are the richest drug dealer and get anything you want and are respected by all. The KING of drug selling! You need $5,000,000 drug money to reach this final rank.

What would this do besides create extra work for the Developers?

Scratch that, I see that it would make a bigger purpose to actually drug deal and stuff, maybe there could be one for Counterfeiter to?

1st Response to skittles:Yes, it will be more work for the developers, but everybody would be on the server and enjoy trying to get ranks.
2nd: Response to skittles: If people then talk about wanting ranks for the counterfeiter then I or someone else would suggest them.

great idea i love it

What do you mean by "if you lose it you go down a rank or more." Do you mean if someone kills you and takes the drugs you have on you? If so that wont work since you will lose a ton of xp when a player killes your for 1 gram

Great Idea but it would be alot of work for devs.

Response to Joey: Once you put the drug money in your bank it means it turns into an xp for ranking up by knowing that you got the money from selling drugs. When you spend that money and lose your amount then you should rank down. But, idk I should find a different way of going down a rank. What you think?

CSGO_F3RN wrote

Response to Joey: Once you put the drug money in your bank it means it turns into an xp for ranking up by knowing that you got the money from selling drugs. When you spend that money and lose your amount then you should rank down. But, idk I should find a different way of going down a rank. What you think?

That is going to be impossible to implement as money is registered as money, no as drug money or sanitation money etc etc. If it was divided into drug/printer/other types of money we would have to have multiple bank accounts which isn't very possible / or very convenient.

Anyone else notice that this would take months to make...

I think this is a great idea the ranks look really good and balanced, BUT the way you obtain Exp needs to be thought out a little bit more. overall great idea and would love to see it be implemented into the RP server. :kreygasm: :minglee:

Response to Lax: Well if you have any other ideas for the exp tell me and also anybody else if they have different ideas for the exp.

It's an interesting idea that motivates players to get into the drug-planting mechanic of our server, but there are a few problems. So I'm gonna pull a full fourth-grader on you and give you two grows and a glow.

( Grow )1. Money is shown as money, not drug money. You'd have to have total grams sold as a new statistic. (Credit to joey for this one)
( Grow) 2. You shouldn't lose XP for losing money. No real-life kingpin loses respect when he shows off what he can buy with his money.
( Glow ) 3. The fact that you get no benefits except for a shiny name and the money that you got in the first place is a good thing. Having any benefit to getting better or more drugs is heavily abusable and would corrupt the community. Make sure you steer clear of this if you want to suggest xp for counterfeiter, sanitation, robber, etc.

Good idea, needs some polishing.

I guess it may actually be a plugin instead of ported from HL2DM

MyBack, have you ever made a plugin before...?

CSGO_F3RN wrote

Response to Lax: Well if you have any other ideas for the exp tell me and also anybody else if they have different ideas for the exp.

Every time you pick up a cacti with 300 grams.
Or for each gram you get. It's a little exp.

nothing more to say other than a great idea it might even bring more people back into the game

The only way this would work would be if you received experience for placing and / or picking up drugs as Linx said. The problem with getting experience from banking the money you earn is money is money, there is no way to tell if you earned it from drugs or from something else. Otherwise it would something cool to have on the server but, as Skittle said it would be a custom plugin, not something that can be ported or downloaded instantly.