Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:155771745
Age: 12
Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? Yes, I do have a mic but I don't use it.
Days of the week you are available to play: Every day on the weekdays 4;30pm-11pm and the weekend 1pm-12pm.
Current Hours In-Game on our server: 213 hours as of right now.
Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: Western European Time, Belfast, Ireland
Rules you view as most important:No Mass RDMing.
Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants? : I would liked to be accepted for cop because the mass RDMers on this server is kinda ruining this great server, and when I say " the mass RDMers" I mean the people that some on the server to RDM and mess with people 24/7. If I was accepted for cop I would try my best to stop these mass RDM'ers. Sometimes when I'm on, none of the cops are on and this is where people tend to RDM a lot and no one is on to stop them and people including myself tend to get annoyed and this leads to people leaving, I would like to be the person to stop people if I get accepted. (I do know that I have massed RDM'ed before and I really do apologize for my actions, I am trying my best to change.) Thank you for reading.
P.S I would also like to apologize for my actions with the mic spam before but like I said again I am trying my best to change, if I get accepted for cop I won't let you guys down!