Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it?: Yes i am also I'm not afraid to use it.

Days of the week you are available to play: Everyday cos I've got no life unless something happened

Current Hours In-Game on our server: 21

Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: Whatever time is in London 🙂 and, Hants

Rules you view as most important: No RDM, No RDA

Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants?: Cos i wanna be able to wake up in the morning knowing there is no RDM going on and if they can bhop i will find them.

You are missing alot of information, please fix your application and use more effort.
Take a look at some other applications for inspiration, if you plagarize you will be denied

You also need 30 hours, please make sure you have 30 by friday
Please take a look and the proper format,8.0.html

Everytime you kill him, he screams in his mic:


-rep disrespectful and didnt fill in all information and also doesn't have 30 hours and screams when he gets rdmed but all he does is rdm doesnt even play.

-rep until the proper format, hour requirement, and server experience ( not screaming every time you get killed ), are all in their proper places.

-rep bad cop application and all he does is rdm and nothing else

Please use the proper format. Other than that.... Great player, Funny as hell.... My standing Neutral support. Just fix the formating

-rep gets mad at people who rdm him .... Then continues to rdm / #angryUKkid