In-Game name: Doge
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:90079985
Age: Recently turned 13

Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? Yes, I have a microphone and I am willing to use it

Days of the week you are available to play: Usually every day of the week because I'm a nolife

Current Hours In-Game on our server:38

Time Zone + Location on planet Earth:Pacific Time Zone, America

Rules you view as most important:RDMers, Cops cuffing/ uncuffing their friends but nobody else, Cops giving Civillians guns.

Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants?The reason I think that you should chose me over the other applicants because once I start helping out on another server I can't stop playing on it, even though most people are in a different timezone than me so they don't see my on that much, on my free time I am always on helping people. It makes me feel really bad when I see people getting RDMed over and over again for no reason and I can't do anything about it, and when there are no cops on and I can't have any of the people mass RDMing go to jail and I just have to wait until they eventually get a bounty on them and I can kill them and make them go to jail, or I can wait for a cop to get on. Lastly, the server that I had been helping recently went down because the owner couldn't afford to keep it up so I was trying to find a new one to help out.

Very nice always wants to help new people and is mature/trusted

  • REP very disrespectful and RDM's alot. Totally do not recommend!

+rep a good player and very nice to be around

Boba Tea wrote
  • REP very disrespectful and RDM's alot. Totally do not recommend!

Not valid as your current player status, you abuse cop then attempt to avoid a ban. Interesting.

Boba Tea wrote
  • REP very disrespectful and RDM's alot. Totally do not recommend!

Of course your going to say that 😛 Ur just mad at me cause I helped get your cop taken away, I did what was right, You were RDMing civilians, Blocking doors, kicking down peoples doors and stealing their stuff, and then you get mad at me cause you got your cop taken away.. k

Ace, the Vintage of Sheckles wrote

+rep a good player and very nice to be around

Boba Tea wrote
  • REP very disrespectful and RDM's alot. Totally do not recommend!

Not valid as your current player status, you abuse cop then attempt to avoid a ban. Interesting.

Yeah, I think all the people who -reped me are people who were abusing cop xD (Besides Skittle)

Skittle wrote

-rep immaturity

Alright, I'll give you that one. UR MUM WILL GIVE U THAT 1 HAHAHAHAHAHHA

Doge wrote
Skittle wrote

-rep immaturity

Alright, I'll give you that one. UR MUM WILL GIVE U THAT 1 HAHAHAHAHAHHA

[size=24pt]Please do not triple post or reply to reps on your application.

Doge wrote


Exactly my point.

=rep not active with the community to much. When I see him he just goes afk.


Meet me in the server whenever you can for training.