In-Game name:KamiLilBird
Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:74475854

Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? Yes, I am willing to use it

Days of the week you are available to play: Anytime time of the week as long as there is open time for me

Current Hours In-Game on our server:32

Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: My time zone is CTZ and my location in in Texas

Rules you view as most important: No Mass RDMing

Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants? I want to become a cop so that I could help others and teach other people like noobs how to play and could help cops with RDMers. (Edit) I want to also have as much fun as I can on this server and get more friends. I would also try to follow and do what my senior officers do and say as much as I can. It would be amazing and stupendously fun to be cop in my point of view.

-rep Still has a Short and Generic Application.

I'll change it when he makes his application better.

Havent talked to him much but he keeps to himself.
Pretty plain app but a good player

Please expand the last part of your application or it will be denied.

People say everyone get accepted as cop. That is incorrect.

Good luck.

+rep more mature than most in his age group
Please make fixes on your topic and elaborate please

+Rep, minds his own business usually and is fun to have on the server. I hope he expands on his final answer and gets accepted.

+rep very nice helps new players

=rep He is a nice person, can be kind of annoying sometimes, would be plus rep but he RDMs me frequently.

+rep, He is mature and doesn't get mad or salty very easily, which as a cop can happen.

9 days later

omg omg omg.....
someone actually got denied?!?!??!/1/