• General
  • Lately, this is what I've seen

Lately on the Moonshade CSGO RP server, I've been seeing tons of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEp40sCOJwQ&feature=youtu.be

Lately, there has been tons of new players coming in, 1/10 of the new players actually stay on the server for a longer period of time, or come on daily, the rest either mic spam, or chat spam, or do other stupid things like this, there are some very obvious fixes to this:

  1. You could get cops to start actually leaving people in jail.
  2. Admins could give harsher punishments.
  3. You could try and find some mature people to recruit for admin or trial admin or something of that sorts.

I'm going to add a little more to this, lately the admins have been getting on a lot more then they used to, but obviously it's not enough, I just recorded this video 10 minutes ago (from the time when this thread was posted.) it was going on long before I started recording, and is probably still going on right now.
If I were to sum this up into a smaller thread, I would say: Recently there has been lots of new players getting on at a time, or lots of players getting on at a time, (20+ at most times of the day.) and there hasn't been enough punishment to the players that have been doing things like mic spamming, chat spamming, people haven't been getting VIP'd or at least kept in jail for longer than 2 seconds, for the servers well-being.

-Sincerely, Skittle.

P.S Harsher. Punishments. Please.

S.P.S Please read it all.

T.P.S This is NOT a complaint, I am simply stating what I'm thinking.[/SIZE]

  1. Cops will now have to be required:

A. Help new players

B. Leave players in jail who kill

C. Look out for people like in the video

  1. That is something being discussed. The fault of the matter are the players. No matter that there are many, malicious ones must be flushed out. Comedic report posts like earlier today were indeed hilarious in your perspective, but unnecessary. We need more serious reports. The problem is the players.

  2. We find no player is fit of a moderator position with the exclusion of you or Queso. Queso was playing music in the video but the players might have been okay with it.

I agree and understand with those rules myback
Im gonna make sure to put rdm'ers in jail for the full time!

that sounded and looked pretty aids

Skittle wrote
GayW wrote

Welcome to moonshade

Most of the toxicity on this server is caused by you and your 12 year old gang.


Well soRanjr already found out what happens when you bully someone.
A nice one week mute and gag and then cop probation for abusing.

Shit like this isn't going to pass anymore, not by me anyways. Not going to give a shit if you lose your drugs or $5,999 printers.

Ace, the Vintage of Sheckles wrote
Skittle wrote
GayW wrote

Welcome to moonshade

Most of the toxicity on this server is caused by you and your 12 year old gang.


Well soRanjr already found out what happens when you bully someone.
A nice one week mute and gag and then cop probation for abusing.

+1, internet memes that arent nice arent accepted

Shit like this isn't going to pass anymore, not by me anyways. Not going to give a shit if you lose your drugs or $5,999 printers.

Honestly i'm not surprised because of the increase of players so moonshade is only getting more toxic we will learn to deal with it but sometimes it's not acceptable.

9 days later

i just think this is the cs community not just moonshade just toxicity

Yeah CSGO has been pretty weird lately .-.

Hhhhmmmm..... Cough Cough. OpTiC and FaZe picking up csgo teams and all the cod f♥ggots started playing cs.

Nice to see things haven't changed.

Well recently there was a sale on steam, not sure if it is still going on, where you can buy all the CS games for $7.50 so a lot of people have been joining the CS community

Joey wrote

Well recently there was a sale on steam, not sure if it is still going on, where you can buy all the CS games for $7.50 so a lot of people have been joining the CS community

I made this thread before the sale...

Its a bunch of 12 years old's and 18 year old's with the mind set of 12 year old's!!

Pretty much what vegeta said

vegeta123 wrote

Its a bunch of 12 years old's and 18 year old's with the mind set of 12 year old's!!

i understand that the younger people on the server can get annoying (including myself 😛) but if it is giving you a headache or just annoying to you just mute them if it is too bad too handle.

this is from january why is it still here