It would actually help a lot if there was a LOT more elaboration on this hugely controversial topic...

So from what I understand so far, Gnome made the decision to permaban Crip for subjectively "harassing" certain players. What I fail to effectively understand is that he made the call to utilize a permaban without first consulting the admin community? I mean if something as big as a permaban comes into play on the RolePlay server, shouldn't more information be provided to the community for justification? Because as far as admin meetings go, maybe Gnome did explain the reasons for his actions but something as controversial as a Permaban on one of the server's most active players seems ludicrous and should be explained in detail to the whole MoonShade community.

Most everyone might fail to recognize that there might have been more debate to this, but for the sake of the non-admins, I would like a little more information on the process that ultimately led the admins to come to the decision that the permaban will not be lifted. I mean, for God's sake, Gnome didn't even have the proper decency to take his time to explain himself against an admin report on this thread... If you're going to permanently ban a player who amassed 600+, almost 700, hours on the server, at least explain to the public community WHY...

I admit, I was present when Crip was acting out on the server against Gnome and Sheckles, and although I highly advised him to stop, it ended up with a temp ban to get Crip to cool down. However, I was not present when the PermaBan was placed upon Crip, but from what I have come to understand, it was because some players had actively voiced their problems with Crip. But for what? At this point, I don't think it was because he was still Mic Spamming or Chat Spamming, but more because he was using his resources to "LEGALLY" break into people's homes via (Lockbreakers, Lockpicks) and take other players Drugs&MoneyPrinters. And all it took was for some players to complain that they got their drugs and printers taken ("LEGALLY btw") for Crip to get permabanned. I have been the victim of such actions from other players countless times in the community. From Aloha and Vegeta killing me and locking me in their homes to rob me, to someone breaking all my locks while I was AFK to take my printers and afk money (this past Tuesday night). But I learned to deal with it because shit happens and when shit happens, I don't try to look for scapegoats and then try to have them banned... Especially when it was done through legal means, which gives me no reason to cry about it.

Although Crip has been a recent complaint with several players, I have been there to experience countless times when Crip actually took his time to introduce the server to New Players.
I apologize for the LONG post on this thread, but I strongly disagree with the admin's decision to not lift Crip's permaban and leads me to question the authenticity and credibility of the leaders of the MoonShade community and their questionable decisions.

Ünder?ater$quAd wrote

It would actually help a lot if there was a LOT more elaboration on this hugely controversial topic...

So from what I understand so far, Gnome made the decision to permaban Crip for subjectively "harassing" certain players. What I fail to effectively understand is that he made the call to utilize a permaban without first consulting the admin community? I mean if something as big as a permaban comes into play on the RolePlay server, shouldn't more information be provided to the community for justification? Because as far as admin meetings go, maybe Gnome did explain the reasons for his actions but something as controversial as a Permaban on one of the server's most active players seems ludicrous and should be explained in detail to the whole MoonShade community.

Most everyone might fail to recognize that there might have been more debate to this, but for the sake of the non-admins, I would like a little more information on the process that ultimately led the admins to come to the decision that the permaban will not be lifted. I mean, for God's sake, Gnome didn't even have the proper decency to take his time to explain himself against an admin report on this thread... If you're going to permanently ban a player who amassed 600+, almost 700, hours on the server, at least explain to the public community WHY...

I admit, I was present when Crip was acting out on the server against Gnome and Sheckles, and although I highly advised him to stop, it ended up with a temp ban to get Crip to cool down. However, I was not present when the PermaBan was placed upon Crip, but from what I have come to understand, it was because some players had actively voiced their problems with Crip. But for what? At this point, I don't think it was because he was still Mic Spamming or Chat Spamming, but more because he was using his resources to "LEGALLY" break into people's homes via (Lockbreakers, Lockpicks) and take other players Drugs&MoneyPrinters. And all it took was for some players to complain that they got their drugs and printers taken ("LEGALLY btw") for Crip to get permabanned. I have been the victim of such actions from other players countless times in the community. From Aloha and Vegeta killing me and locking me in their homes to rob me, to someone breaking all my locks while I was AFK to take my printers and afk money (this past Tuesday night). But I learned to deal with it because shit happens and when shit happens, I don't try to look for scapegoats and then try to have them banned... Especially when it was done through legal means, which gives me no reason to cry about it.

Although Crip has been a recent complaint with several players, I have been there to experience countless times when Crip actually took his time to introduce the server to New Players.
I apologize for the LONG post on this thread, but I strongly disagree with the admin's decision to not lift Crip's permaban and leads me to question the authenticity of the leaders of the MoonShade community and their questionable decisions.

We understand your concern for everything, but the decision was made and most likely shall not be reverted, if any player is ruining the environment of moonshade for any new players who are still adjusting to the server, then they shall be punished severely. That is not fun for anybody and looks extremely immature.

Crip has had multiple warning, lost cop multiple times. To receive a large complaint from a new player that will not be named was the last straw. Not only was he toxic to new players and old alike, he made new players leave and their experience miserable

He lost cop once and took the punishment maturely in my eyes. He also said that he only robs those that did wrong to him first and that he would be out of money if he did, in fact, rdm new players. And i'm pretty sure I might know who the new player that complained about him is, but that same player threatened to get me and another player banned with recordings for legally breaking his locks so I don't trust the validity in his cry for help. (I might be wrong though)

And if that "large complaint from a new player" was really the last straw, shouldn't the public be informed about why it was the last straw or what was in the complaint for a permaban to be justifiable... I've been through a lot of shit on the MoonShade forums but in regards to unprofessionalism, this has to be the biggest shitstorm, but hey, I guess other players inputs don't matter much.

Ünder?ater$quAd wrote

He lost cop once and took the punishment maturely in my eyes. He also said that he only robs those that did wrong to him first and that he would be out of money if he did, in fact, rdm new players. And i'm pretty sure I might know who the new player that complained about him is, but that same player threatened to get me and another player banned with recordings for legally breaking his locks so I don't trust the validity in his cry for help. (I might be wrong though)

And if that "large complaint from a new player" was really the last straw, shouldn't the public be informed about why it was the last straw or what was in the complaint for a permaban to be justifiable... I've been through a lot of shit on the MoonShade forums but in regards to unprofessionalism, this has to be the biggest shitstorm, but hey, I guess other players inputs don't matter much.

The user wished to not let it go public. The admins have seen it.
If he wants he can do a ban appeal. He has to prove not to be a toxic player and wants to come back.

Excuse my foul language, but what kinda bullshit is that... If you're going to permanently ban the most active player on the server since aloha's time, at least give the dude you banned a well deserved explanation.
Freal, all im hearing is that Gnome banned him because he was salty from crip's statements and that Crip was annoying other players for LEGALLY breaking into people's homes. A PermaBan should be placed on a player for reasons far more explicit than that... A temp ban is reasonable, a week, who knows but really... A PermaBan for some bullshit. And to make it even worse, you admins can't even come forth with the evidence that can "justify" the ban. Do you realize how fascist and despotic the leadership looks in everyone's eyes.

All you can tell us is that the admins saw the complaint but can't disclose that information to the public, which begs us to come to the conclusion of 1 of 3 scenarios: That the evidence is bullshit, That there might not even be evidence, Or that admins are incapable of properly exercising their powers & responsibilities.

Keep in mind, the last thing I want to do is insult the work that the admins have put towards the server. But the way this has been handled leads me to question the integrity of their actions.

flycrippin wrote

I beg you guys to reconsider. :-[

Probably will be discussed in meeting, will update

flycrippin wrote

I beg you guys to reconsider. :-[

No point as long as Gnome and Sealz are in control.

XanX wrote
flycrippin wrote

I beg you guys to reconsider. :-[

No point as long as Gnome and Sealz are in control.

This has nothing to do with either of them so stop bringing them into this.
We had a vote and you were demoted.
We discussed crip and all decided to not remove the permaban.

Crip can make a ban appeal I believe

Ace, the Vintage of Sheckles wrote

This has nothing to do with either of them so stop bringing them into this.
We had a vote and you were demoted.
We discussed crip and all decided to not remove the permaban.

Crip can make a ban appeal I believe

You keep contradicting yourself.
Yes it has something to do with either of them.
"We discussed crip and ""ALL"" decided to not remove the permaban."

All includes Gnome and Sealz.

I'm not talking about myself I'm talking about crip who should receive a second chance. If I'm not mistaken he's pretty active.

XanX wrote
Ace, the Vintage of Sheckles wrote

This has nothing to do with either of them so stop bringing them into this.
We had a vote and you were demoted.
We discussed crip and all decided to not remove the permaban.

Crip can make a ban appeal I believe

You keep contradicting yourself.
Yes it has something to do with either of them.
"We discussed crip and ""ALL"" decided to not remove the permaban."

All includes Gnome and Sealz.

I'm not talking about myself I'm talking about crip who should receive a second chance. If I'm not mistaken he's pretty active.

Crip has a used and lost cops on multiple occasions and a personal message from a player was the last straw, you said yourself admins need to do our jobs. We will do ours you do yours.

If AFK is active, then Crip was the most active player on the server.

Skittle wrote

If AFK is active, then Crip was the most active player on the server.

Everyone AFK's on the server, there's an AFK room for a reason. However, you can't try to imply that Crip was AFK all 600+ hours, because that's what i'm getting from your post. Crip might have AFK'd for a good amount but everyone knows that he was probably the most active (non-AFK) player on the server too. Whenever I was on the server, he was active a good amount of time.

Ünder?ater$quAd wrote
Skittle wrote

If AFK is active, then Crip was the most active player on the server.

Everyone AFK's on the server, there's an AFK room for a reason. However, you can't try to imply that Crip was AFK all 600+ hours, because that's what i'm getting from your post. Crip might have AFK'd for a good amount but everyone knows that he was probably the most active (non-AFK) player on the server too. Whenever I was on the server, he was active a good amount of time.

When I was on, whenever he wasn't AFK, he was being a little prick to new players, and old players, insulting them. :/.

Skittle wrote
Ünder?ater$quAd wrote
Skittle wrote

If AFK is active, then Crip was the most active player on the server.

Everyone AFK's on the server, there's an AFK room for a reason. However, you can't try to imply that Crip was AFK all 600+ hours, because that's what i'm getting from your post. Crip might have AFK'd for a good amount but everyone knows that he was probably the most active (non-AFK) player on the server too. Whenever I was on the server, he was active a good amount of time.

When I was on, whenever he wasn't AFK, he was being a little prick to new players, and old players, insulting them. :/.

Exactly. That was discussed when the decision was made. This and his older abuse reports are the reason why he was banned by gome

Hello MrExpensiveCrip,

UnderWaterSquad's recent response to your ban, aka spamming dropped items in the middle of the night to freeze the server, have only harmed your chances of your ban being relieved soon. We do not take bribes, blackmail, or any form of threat. UnderWater will remained permanently banned until further notice.

You have not directly harmed the well being of the server, but being in relation to the person who did and the recent crashes is what influenced this decision.

I understand you may be upset about an overreaction taken on your behavior, but you should have seen it coming.
