It would actually help a lot if there was a LOT more elaboration on this hugely controversial topic...
So from what I understand so far, Gnome made the decision to permaban Crip for subjectively "harassing" certain players. What I fail to effectively understand is that he made the call to utilize a permaban without first consulting the admin community? I mean if something as big as a permaban comes into play on the RolePlay server, shouldn't more information be provided to the community for justification? Because as far as admin meetings go, maybe Gnome did explain the reasons for his actions but something as controversial as a Permaban on one of the server's most active players seems ludicrous and should be explained in detail to the whole MoonShade community.
Most everyone might fail to recognize that there might have been more debate to this, but for the sake of the non-admins, I would like a little more information on the process that ultimately led the admins to come to the decision that the permaban will not be lifted. I mean, for God's sake, Gnome didn't even have the proper decency to take his time to explain himself against an admin report on this thread... If you're going to permanently ban a player who amassed 600+, almost 700, hours on the server, at least explain to the public community WHY...
I admit, I was present when Crip was acting out on the server against Gnome and Sheckles, and although I highly advised him to stop, it ended up with a temp ban to get Crip to cool down. However, I was not present when the PermaBan was placed upon Crip, but from what I have come to understand, it was because some players had actively voiced their problems with Crip. But for what? At this point, I don't think it was because he was still Mic Spamming or Chat Spamming, but more because he was using his resources to "LEGALLY" break into people's homes via (Lockbreakers, Lockpicks) and take other players Drugs&MoneyPrinters. And all it took was for some players to complain that they got their drugs and printers taken ("LEGALLY btw") for Crip to get permabanned. I have been the victim of such actions from other players countless times in the community. From Aloha and Vegeta killing me and locking me in their homes to rob me, to someone breaking all my locks while I was AFK to take my printers and afk money (this past Tuesday night). But I learned to deal with it because shit happens and when shit happens, I don't try to look for scapegoats and then try to have them banned... Especially when it was done through legal means, which gives me no reason to cry about it.
Although Crip has been a recent complaint with several players, I have been there to experience countless times when Crip actually took his time to introduce the server to New Players.
I apologize for the LONG post on this thread, but I strongly disagree with the admin's decision to not lift Crip's permaban and leads me to question the authenticity and credibility of the leaders of the MoonShade community and their questionable decisions.