As you all know, with my high profile in the server, I have been watched by all of the admins and moderators for the past couple of months and I know it hasn't been pretty. Today, I was permabanned by Gnome, no justification besdies my "harrassment" towards other players. My actions went as following: I would lockpick homes, break locks, take drugs/money printers, and of course the occasional shit talking. I believe all of that is a part of the game and does not justify a permaban on a player who has spent countless amount of hours on the server and has even hosted drops for the noobs. I personally believe what Gnome did was out of spite and immaturity. Gnome has taken actions on me through Muting/Gagging, which is completely fine with me. However, I personally would like to see some action taken from moderators higher up and settle this in a more mature and reasonable way.
If not, then no more Crip I guess. :-[
Thank you for your time,
fat Cuzz