In-Game name: Beefin
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:97426062
Age: 16

Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? Yes, but i'm perma-muted

Days of the week you are available to play: All 7 days of the week.

Current Hours In-Game on our server: 326

Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: United States CDT

Rules you view as most important: RDMing as cop, because it's easy to RDM as a cop. You need to be careful as a cop because citizens can be trying to stab you, but you must wait until they hit you before you shoot back at them.

Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants? I have experience as cop already, and there I feel there are not enough cops as there is. Most of the server is AFK players right now and we need some more active players, and cops to play. A lot of new players are running around with bounties on their heads, dying, and leaving the server. If we had more cops and helpful players we could help new faces in the community. I can offer a lot of assistance to new players, and the community if I become cop.

A couple things. I agree with what he's saying about the 'assistance to new players' bit but, I wouldn't say that making a short application with a couple of reasons why he should become a cop is a great way to spread that message. All together I am neutral about him because of my lack of experience playing with him, but this application seems like it's (at most) trying to point to a minor problem the server has. I would recommend posting this in the Server Suggestion topic instead of this.

Application 5/10 (Not very clear)

Beefin just to note, you don't have to become a cop to assist new players. You can do it as a normal user and just be friendly.

ItsCheq wrote

Beefin just to note, you don't have to become a cop to assist new players. You can do it as a normal user and just be friendly.

But most of the time being a cop is very helpful as you can often teach them how crime works when you cuff/jail them.
Also if a new player rdms you can always explain them the rules of crime/mass rdm.

On the other note Beefin is pretty active and has a good number of hours and they seem pretty nice.
Also brings up a very good point and a problem I have failed to fix. Hopefully, he can fix it and keep the new players coming back to have some more fun.

Grubbsy wrote

But most of the time being a cop is very helpful as you can often teach them how crime works when you cuff/jail them.
Also if a new player rdms you can always explain them the rules of crime/mass rdm.

On the other note Beefin is pretty active and has a good number of hours and they seem pretty nice.
Also brings up a very good point and a problem I have failed to fix. Hopefully, he can fix it and keep the new players coming back to have some more fun.

Any regular member can do that. Hell, I do it and I'm not a cop. I'm not saying he shouldn't be a cop, I'm saying that he could've focused more on the application, and less on the issues with the server side because other than his efforts of pointing out the situation with the new players, his application is empty at the bottom.

make cop apps longer pls, make em to actual legnthy paragraphs.

2 months later

[font=georgia]Denied. You are inactive as well as banned from the server. Please post an appeal before applying again.[/font]