In-Game name:[J O D G E]
Steam ID:STEAM_1:1:118213582
Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? Yes I have 2
Days of the week you are available to play:Monday-Thursday (Hospital on most Fridays) Saturday-Sunday
Current Hours In-Game on our server:46
Time Zone + Location on planet Earth:CDT Central Daylight Time
Rules you view as most important: Respect Players / No Mass RDM
Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants?
I want to help the cops because I don't want all the mass RDM and rulebreaking I see to go unnoticed. I've always helped cops even when I'm not one I try my best and don't mass RDM or Exploit because I do not think anyone should. I just want to help as much as possible and think i can take on the responsibility of helping the server. I wanna help clean the server up and help better the server as a whole to created a fun environment for new and existing player.
Cop Application
Looks really good like really good but i would say use the format we have for the cop applications but still amazing seems nice and helpful would make a good cop
Nice guy and good application, can't see anything wrong with him being cop.
You're pretty cool and chill ingame, good candidate. )
Hes friendly and chill ingame and this is a good app.
Judge is super nice and I would like for him to be a cop
Chill dude helped me rank up to corporal nice guy. truly deserves cop I've had fun playing with him on the server and he probably one of the nicest people on the server. i fell like a simple sentence would be an understatement no doubt about it.