Being apart of MSM Being apart of MoonShade Mafia (MsM) Gang you must have over 50 Hours must have money to buy stuff and you gotta be a bad ass on the roleplay server you also have to do the initiation

Hours on Server:
Csgo Rank:
Money in bank

Leaders: TheRealBiscuitt, Magical Turtle

In-Game Name: fadeD

Hours on MoonShade: 76 Hours

Csgo Rank: MG2/MGE

Money in bank: $70,000 but i'm going to save until next Friday most likely $150,000 by map change.

fadeD wrote

In-Game Name: fadeD

Hours on MoonShade: 76 Hours

Csgo Rank: MG2/MGE

Money in bank: $70,000 but i'm going to save until next Friday most likely $150,000 by map change.


Hours on msg: 96
Csgo Rank: Gold Nova 1
Money in bank: $307,000

Name: ? Barack Obama ?

Hours on msg: 64

Csgo Rank: GNM - MG2

Money in bank: 210k

GreatKids wrote

Hours on msg: 96
Csgo Rank: Gold Nova 1
Money in bank: $307,000


zhoushijia11 wrote

Name: ? Barack Obama ?

Hours on msg: 64

Csgo Rank: GNM - MG2

Money in bank: 210k


Hours on server:14 hour
CsGo Rank:Silverelitemaster
Money in Bank:$25,586

uh I think I have like 60 hours. I don't play when a bunch of people are on very often idk
also i'm silver elite, I know it sucks but I play with friends a lot soooo
I have over 100000 in the bank

Name: NooBShoT

Hours on msg: 66

Csgo Rank: s2 but play like sem

Money in bank: 100k

DAZE CM wrote

Name: NooBShoT

Hours on msg: 66

Csgo Rank: s2 but play like sem

Money in bank: 100k


7 days later

Hours on server?: I have 13 hours on the server
Csgo rank?: I am Nova Master. I am also VIP on the server
Money in bank:? I have 200,000 in my bank

Name: LucasPlayz

Hours on msg: 32

Csgo Rank: GN3 - GNM

Money in bank: 200k

I'm out of all gangs dudes

TheRealBiscuitt wrote

I'm out of all gangs dudes

Does this gang still exist? If not, I'm trashing it.