supreme Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? yes I do have a mic and willing to use it Days of the week you are available to play?I'm aple to play every day if I don't have any homework Current Hours In-Game on our server?31 just over the 30 houre mark Time Zone + Location on planet Earth🙁GMT+1) Sweden Rules you view as most important: NO RDM Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants? when I'm on there is usually no cops online and that is something I don't like because everyone start to go crazy.So I think me as a cop would be a good think to cover up the time when there is no cops on.
SirRaZor Denied.Please follow the full format for cop application we should atleast also have your ingame name, steam id, and age. It would also be recommended to add a little more detail to your application. Please wait two weeks before reapplying