In-game name:Br1ck

Server you were banned on:Roleplaying

Who banned you:Earth

Reason for ban: Cheating/exploting

Steam ID:76561198232539748

Reason you think you should be unbanned: So all my 2mill wont go to waste and so i can change my actions in this community and do good in the community for a change! And help new people and get a change in the community roleplaying server! And so I can change our community for the best! No hard feelings to anyone that I have been mean to. I also think why is should be unbanned is to help people that are new or that are struggling in money. I can give loans to people for a little charge. And here my reasons are please give a comment down below! And if you need you can take away all my money and restart me if you feel i don't deserve that money. And i will do almost anything to get back in besides money and giving personal stuff out. I will do almost anything. i'm thought it was wrong i will never do that again. Reset me or anything i just wanna be unbanned and playing with the new/older players.

Stop trying to get unbanned, you were cancer to the community and tried to use hacks to benefit yourself, no one cares that your 2 mil will go to waste. You dont wanna benefit shit, you were a prick to everyone and played the victim card when shit happened to you. I litterally have a recording of you saying that you were going to cheat on moonshade to get money and that i would get some if i didnt tell on you. Just get the fuck out of here.

5 days later
Matthew2510 wrote

Stop trying to get unbanned, you were cancer to the community and tried to use hacks to benefit yourself, no one cares that your 2 mil will go to waste. You dont wanna benefit shit, you were a prick to everyone and played the victim card when shit happened to you. I litterally have a recording of you saying that you were going to cheat on moonshade to get money and that i would get some if i didnt tell on you. Just get the fuck out of here.

id like that recording if i could please

if the above said is true br1ck it does not bode well for you