With as many great things as I have heard about the coveted "Gnome," in the few months that I have been a part of the Moonshade Gaming community, you would think that you would see him online more. However, I can honestly say that I have seen Gnome maybe one time on the server. That is not a good look for someone with the role "Community Manager."
But take it from someone who attempts to sometimes single-handedly handle a community himself, the title of "Community Manager" is not an easy one to fill. Not for the user who has to take on the roll, and not for the players that are affected by the aforementioned user. Do you really want one person making the final decision in any given matter? Shouldn't that be up to a forum of users/officers who can vote and make a community decision as a community?
The "Community Manager" role becomes increasingly difficult to justify when you look at how a community runs, and even more so when a community begins to mature. In infancy, it makes sense to allow a "leader" to make basic fundamental decisions; however, as the community grows, as does the power of the community. Eventually, the community must learn to run itself or it will run itself into the ground. Unfortunately, as it stands, I cannot say that I can recommend Gnome for the "Community Manager" position, and I can honestly say that I firmly believe that the "Community Manager" role as a whole should be abolished.
That's just my two cents though.