Your In-Game name: -josef-
Offenders In-Game name: Fbll!azer
Offenders Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:24018951
What server did this happen on? RolePlay Server
What rules did the offender break? RDM as cop, abuse as cop, and favoritism as cop towards ? ZRB14
Proof by screenshots or recorded footage, if any: I have this for RDM: . I broke into ZRB's apartment killed zrb and Fbll!azer RDMd me, of course abusing (keep in mind Fbll!azer was PROTECTING ZRB while he was afking for drugs IN HIS APARTMENT!!!!!!). Also I have joined their private TS before and ZRB was requesting guns from Fbll!azer and he also would never jail ZRB when he went on HUGE killing sprees.
Other Comments: This guy holy shit dude he abuses so much ever since he has gotten cop dude he really deserves to be demoted from cop he should not have any cop privileges at all he rdms and favorites his group,.
MODIFICATION: Also I told tempus a lot of the things while it happened, such as me joining ZRB and Fbll!azer's private ts I even gave him the ts ip as it happened.