Your In-Game name: AwpTec-9|
Offenders In-Game name: AlienCactus
Offenders Steam ID:
What server did this happen on? This happened on the Roleplay server
What rules did the offender break? The offender cop RDMed.
Proof by screenshots or recorded footage, if any😃amage Taken from "AlienCactus" - 31 in 1 hit
Other Comments:Today i was going to my apartment and i opened up the door to go inside and while i'm opening the door AlienCactus as a cop is on the other side as soon as i open the door he fires at me and does about 31 damage and then i run away. While i'm running away Cashew sees what happened from the side and shoots AlienCactus. So i think AlienCactus deserves some kind of suspension for this aggressive behavior while being cop.