Your In-Game name:Doge
Offenders In-Game name:Deadpool
Offenders Steam ID:
What server did this happen on?RP
What rules did the offender break?COP RDM
Proof by screenshots or recorded footage, if any:
Other Comments:I didnt really mind.. but then he proceeded to lie about it and I showed him the screenshot. He kept lying about it and said I did damage. He said he had screenshots of it. When I asked for the screenshot he said no. Deadpool you DONT have to lie about cop rdm it just makes it worse. He said the only way he would show me the screenshot is if I made a forum post on it. Then he proceeded by calling my a bitch and other words.
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This kind of shit is why I left moonshade in the first place, toxic people like DeadPool cop RDMing 24/7 telling me to make a report. Then lying on the forums and then without a second glance the report gets denied. I garuntee you that the very worst thing that is going to happen to him is a "Don't do it again." and he'll say yes and say some other dramatic shit and within a day he'll start cop rdming again like he does all the time...>!