PigeonWoad In-Game name😛igeon_Woad | spidre mane Steam ID: Steam-0:0:65752980 Age:15 Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? yes i have a mic and im willing to use it Days of the week you are available to play: most week days Current Hours In-Game on our server: 204 Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: denver+America Rules you view as most important: no cop RDM aand no cop abuse Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants? i want to become cop because i think i got what it takes and i also think it would be a fun and cool experience being cop and keeping this community under check. also not to cop abuse and do my best to further myself as being a cop and further th ecommunity of gamers on this server by enforcing and keeping track of important rules. :smorc:
Skittle That one "DeFoos" kid had an EVEN SHORTER app, he got accepted, apparently no work = accepted as cop...
Sheckles Skittle wrote That one "DeFoos" kid had an EVEN SHORTER app, he got accepted, apparently no work = accepted as cop... Apparently shit posting = no respect Bad 🙁 Defoos is a good man and had a short and sweet application.
Skittle Ace, the Vintage of Sheckles wrote Skittle wrote That one "DeFoos" kid had an EVEN SHORTER app, he got accepted, apparently no work = accepted as cop... Apparently shit posting = no respect Bad 🙁 Defoos is a good man and had a short and sweet application. even though he hasnt even been active since that application cough.
Sheckles -josef- wrote -rep he rdms so much in game EVERYBODY RDMS, IT HAS NO BEARING TO COP APPLI ATIONS.