In-Game name: Vic Rattlehead
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:52521654
Age: 16
Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? I do have a microphone and I am EXTREMELY willing to use it.
Days of the week you are available to play: Most days unless I have to do something like go to the store, practice driving, school etc. So almost every day.
Current Hours In-Game on our server: 30
Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: Eastern Time Zone, Pennsylvania is the state I live in.
Rules you view as most important: I view the mass rdm rule as important considering it can be a common issue. Many players have an itchy trigger finger, and enforcement via cop or admin should definitely be brought to someone who kills 10 people under/within 5 minutes. I also find random killing as cop as an important rule. I do not want to see abuse of authority, to which I have seen others do. Rdming as an officer does not make sense realistically or in a fake manner. Its extremely unfair to users. I find all of the rules important, but I was asked for specifics, so I provided some.
Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants? I want to be a cop because I respect the position and want to experience it. For question number 2, I feel I should be picked considering my prior experience as a cop on several Garrys Mod DarkRP servers, along with my experience as an owner. Returning to the first question, for as ridiculous as it sounds it is extremely true that I am majoring in criminal justice in college. I have just finished my junior year in high school and with that finished my college in the high school law enforcement class. I feel as if that can connect as a good moral standpoint and experience standpoint. I am aware this is nothing even close to realistic law enforcement but I know this is not the "do what ever you want job". Returning to question 2, my experience I feel warrants me to be granted this privilege. As stated, I am fully aware that this job is not a free roam overpowered job for lack of any better words. I am willing to take responsibility for my actions, understand and be reliable as much as I can. I question a lot of things in life as a whole but this is CS:GO. I will refer to this if my mind decides to say screw the prior information, lets argue! I plan to not cause problems, and make sure i read the rules daily. To wrap this up, I want to experience the joy of being a police officer in my favorite game CS:GO. I feel mature enough and responsible enough for the task. I look forward to continuing to play your server further. Thank you very much, and have a good one.