In-Game name: Fluix
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:88881477
Age: 14
Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? Yes, I have a microphone and I use it more than I text chat. I like to hear a person to determine the choices I could make with them in the future. For example I wouldn't drug deal with someone who would insult me or other players often.
Days of the week you are available to play: I am currently on summer break so I am available weekdays, and weekends. There will be a couple of weeks I am taking a vacation, but before I leave I will make sure that admins know about it. During school I would be available pretty much on the same schedule. At least 2-4 hours on weekdays. And 2-8 on weekends.
Current Hours In-Game on our server: Thirty-One
Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: Central America. Lebanon, Missouri
Rules you view as most important: The rule that most affects my every life, and is most important to me is the rule most often broken. "Respect all players, regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, past experiences, or any factors that may modify your relationship with them. No excuses." Notice it says "No excuses". This rule is the one rule that we let slide most of the time. I think we should change that. As someone who cares about the community (Regardless of hours) I think that nobody should be the victim of disrespect. After a long day of school, work, or just watching Netflix. People should be able to join the server and have fun without harassment and disrespect.
Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants? I refuse to think of it as "Pick mine not his". I know that the admins will pick whoever they think is right for the job. As of now there are many cops on the RP. However every morning when I get on I see none. It is usually close to evening until I see 3 or more cops on. I want to become a cop to encourage people to follow the rules and help others understand the context of the rules. I think it would be right to make me a cop as I am smart, resourceful, and persistent. I want to make the community a fun and safe place for new members or even old members to have some fun after a long day. Thank you (Members, cops, admins) for reading my application and have a wonderful end to your day 😃