Stevenn In-Game name: xG Steven Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:87027123 Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? Yes I do have a microphone and I use it a lot. Days of the week you are available to play?: I can play pretty much everyday unless I have finals which isn't that often. Current Hours In-Game on our server: Currently 28 hours but I'm going to be on tonight to get my 30 hours. Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: UTC-08:00, California Rules you view as most important: I think the most important rule of the server is Abusing powers as a cop, or anything in general and exploiting. Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants? You should pick me because I'm active and got to know most of the people on the server. I am learning something new about the server everyday and enjoy playing on it. I have made a lot of new friends since I joined RP and will probably make a lot more. I'm also reasonable when it comes to cuffing people I'm not bias or would be in any situation. Thanks!
Purplebeanz3457 +rep Steven is a really cool guy, and tried to help out people whenever I see him on, and was one of my first server friends. I think he would be a good cop, and if he isn't, he's still a really great player
MattSriel -and +Rep hes a really good guy but lately hes been rdming me hard and he really just picks and choses who he wants to be friends with and kills the rest
Doge1 MattSriel wrote -and +Rep hes a really good guy but lately hes been rdming me hard and he really just picks and choses who he wants to be friends with and kills the rest That would be dofomed as =rep 8)