In-Game name: Madimir Putin
Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:149926616
Age: 15
Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it?Yes
Days of the week you are available to play:All Days unless my schedule permits me from doing so.
Current Hours In-Game on our server:185hrs
Time Zone + Location on planet Earth:Mountain Standard Time + United States (Texas)
Rules you view as most important:Cops should VIP Jail players who Mass RDM. Don't kill a new player unless these players have bounty or extremely high crime.
Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants?The reason you all should pick me to be cop is that I am always nice and respectful to others. I am also on during odd hours of the day when no other cops are on, and when they are most needed. It also bothers me when new players are being bullied and/or harassed. I also have experience as a cop on some GMOD servers. I really want to help the server grow and I think I can do that by protecting the new players and I believe I can do it best as a cop. I thank you all for taking time out of your day to read this, and for your consideration.