In-Game name: Pikachu
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:40837463
Age: 18

Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? Yes i do have a mic and i always use it.

Days of the week you are available to play: I play the server pretty frequently. I try to make time to play on the server almost everyday.

Current Hours In-Game on our server: 187

Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: my time zone is Pacific Standard Time and i live in canada.

Rules you view as most important: I feel like all rules should be respected, But i view the most important rule is not to disrespect other players so the server can become more popular.

Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants? I would like to become a cop on Moon-shade RP because i have been really addicted to the server and would love to enhance my experience on the server. the other reason i would like to be cop is that when i play at night their is always no cops on and players always rdm.

Thanks for taking you time to read my cop app!!

+rep. Would make a good cop.

But you really gotta put a little more effort into your application... You lazy sack

+rep I hardly see Pikachu offline.

+rep. I house with Pikachu and no matter what time I hop on to do something he's on playing actively. I believe he'll make a great cop just like he does as a fellow money maker.

+rep although you farm most of the time i dont see why not to the left to the left

+rep really cool person and I think he would be a pretty good cop

+rep nice man
Cool dude
Friendly person


+rep i started this guy out i saw the fire in his eyes let his burning passion take him to top o' the ranks

accept this nigga

i cant rlly do it