why is there only one location to deposit your cash but two drugs dealers on opposite sides of the maps? I think it'd be a good idea to add a second bank in the back of the map by the drug dealer no one uses because its such a cluster f*** at the safe bank. Also, the apts/houses aren't as appealing in the back of the map because of the lack of bankers. Actually, its so needed, that I need to refer to that area as "the back of the map" and you all probably know what i'm talking about because no one goes there.

But whats economy without risk.
Have one of your frienda be banker and eassyyy

Ace, the Vintage of Sheckles wrote

But whats economy without risk.

Risk factor is still there with two banks. There's just two places to camp now and the back of the map might actually be relevant ,

Well I believe the whole idea of having one banker is to channel a lot of game play into one area because, as with some older maps, not much player interaction was going on because everything was near everything else resulting in players not having to be outside their houses very long. I like the idea of the "Back of the map" because those houses cost extra but are out of the way more. Yes they have to either use the tunnel of walk all the way across the map to get to the banker but you're also less likely to be the target of someone with lock breakers. Players need to keep this in mind when buying a house, is it worth it to be safer from lock breakers but more in danger of drug runs or is it better to have you're locks broken more often but be safer on drug runs. It really just comes down to the preference of the player.

In the bank there are two closed booths, and 2 open ones.

In the open ones, two bankers stand.

In the closed ones, 0.


There are two Bankers, maaaaybe you should've said "Banks"

Skittle wrote

In the bank there are two closed booths, and 2 open ones.

In the open ones, two bankers stand.

In the closed ones, 0.


There are two Bankers, maaaaybe you should've said "Banks"

Oh my gawd very true. I'm very sorry for confusing everybody. We have two banks so this is settled. :kappa:

imo there should be a banker and a dealer added by factory.

I think there should be a banker somewhere else as well. I'd say somewhere around the factory since there's no reason to really go there as of now (and I doubt anyone would ever be able buy it).

I never see anyone carrying around loads of cash nor do I see anyone ever losing large amounts of cash trying to get to a bank and getting killed.

Just do what they had on the old map 2 banks, 1 is safe the other one isn't

Personally I like the new bank being the only bank. It draws all the player interaction into one central area.