I believe that we should have a change that allows for people to level up their character in certain skills such as the cop. For example the drug dealer should be able to either grow faster drugs as they become more experienced (by harvesting a lot of drugs) or sell the drugs they grow for more. This would give people a reason to stay as one job or another as it would mean that the longer they play as a class the more rewarding it becomes.

Any interest?

Not like that. I mean more of a way of XP instead of buying the ranks you get them for doing the jobs

???? ???FwuNk wrote

Not like that. I mean more of a way of XP instead of buying the ranks you get them for doing the jobs

That post meant Money = EXP or Grams Sold = EXP

So yeah basically that's what the other post has been eliminated to. Planting is going the job listed on /job so it;s basically the same thing.

Once again, the more richer players would get richer and the poorer players wouldn't be able to keep up.

zhopia wrote

Once again, the more richer players would get richer and the poorer players wouldn't be able to keep up.

The "poorer" plays actually would be able to get up, as long as they don't go and break peoples locks, make enemies etc for a living.

Nobody goes into the 10ks besides new players, making it a safe place to plant even with no locks on it (Unless you have a bounty)

When the Rich get Rich they stop planting/get lazy than they were when they were poor, so they won't get as much money, and the poor players, (if they were dedicated) would spend quite a bit of time planting drugs and making money. (If they aren't that dedicated, who gives a damn, they honestly won't care about money)

Unless the poor players make enemies with the rich players, which they should try their best not to do, then they should be fine, and be able to make money in peace.

As a ""Richer Player"" with my ""Richer Player Friends"" I can personally say we don;t bother messing with the newer players. A lot of the newer players get their stuff taken from other newer players or players with 5-100 hours. They automatically assume that those players are richer players. There isn't that much of a issue between richer players messing with poorer players. In fact whenever newer players kill me or my friends and taken 10-100k from us we really don't care. They don't full understand what they are even doing yet. The only time we get upset is when players camp outside our doors and do this repeatedly after we explain what they are doing. That's the only time that richer players mess with poorer players. All of the old time players were once poorer players and the only reason we got to where we are now at is because we learned to not mess with others repeatedly and make enemies. This is just how the server works ( which I kind of like because it is a retard shield in most cases.). In addition this idea will simply not work. If you want to level up from planting or whatever it shouldn't have benefits. Instead just name tags like you get from ranking up as a cop. So like Drug Dealer being your job, but once you level up it says Drug Grower or something like that. I'm pretty sure someone made a list with names you can use, if someone can find it and link it that would be great.

Joey wrote

As a ""Richer Player"" with my ""Richer Player Friends"" I can personally say we don;t bother messing with the newer players. A lot of the newer players get their stuff taken from other newer players or players with 5-100 hours. They automatically assume that those players are richer players. There isn't that much of a issue between richer players messing with poorer players. In fact whenever newer players kill me or my friends and taken 10-100k from us we really don't care. They don't full understand what they are even doing yet. The only time we get upset is when players camp outside our doors and do this repeatedly after we explain what they are doing. That's the only time that richer players mess with poorer players. All of the old time players were once poorer players and the only reason we got to where we are now at is because we learned to not mess with others repeatedly and make enemies. This is just how the server works ( which I kind of like because it is a retard shield in most cases.). In addition this idea will simply not work. If you want to level up from planting or whatever it shouldn't have benefits. Instead just name tags like you get from ranking up as a cop. So like Drug Dealer being your job, but once you level up it says Drug Grower or something like that. I'm pretty sure someone made a list with names you can use, if someone can find it and link it that would be great.

Well, sometimes a new player is walkin around, killing some people, and the "rich" people while they have grams or money, then the "rich" player, I've heard you say this too Joey (Maybe as a joke, but oh well)

I've heard many differen't players say this.

Don't be mean guys they didn't know.

Its mainly a joke. The only time I've actually delivered this promise was to SuperJay.

Joey wrote

Its mainly a joke. The only time I've actually delivered this promise was to SuperJay.

Well, other people actually do it, either as a threat or they are actually going to break the locks that these players don't have.

Don't be so mean they didn't know (Directed at anyone who just breaks someones locks for no reason whatsoever, or threatens for no reason whatsoever)

Joey wrote

Its mainly a joke. The only time I've actually delivered this promise was to SuperJay.

When I was a "new" player, you seemed to enjoy raiding me quite often.

@[deleted] since I'm too lazy to multiquote: The rich players who have gotten rich through their hard work (not buying the money) would be able to get even richer, and at a quicker rate, than those with the same work ethic but start off later/with less money. This way, even if two people work the same, the one with the head start would just keep building on that lead.

zhopia wrote
Joey wrote

Its mainly a joke. The only time I've actually delivered this promise was to SuperJay.

When I was a "new" player, you seemed to enjoy raiding me quite often.

@[deleted] since I'm too lazy to multiquote: The rich players who have gotten rich through their hard work (not buying the money) would be able to get even richer, and at a quicker rate, than those with the same work ethic but start off later/with less money. This way, even if two people work the same, the one with the head start would just keep building on that lead.

Thats weird since I haven't broken anyone's locks in a long time 0.o