zhopia wrote
Once again, the more richer players would get richer and the poorer players wouldn't be able to keep up.
The "poorer" plays actually would be able to get up, as long as they don't go and break peoples locks, make enemies etc for a living.
Nobody goes into the 10ks besides new players, making it a safe place to plant even with no locks on it (Unless you have a bounty)
When the Rich get Rich they stop planting/get lazy than they were when they were poor, so they won't get as much money, and the poor players, (if they were dedicated) would spend quite a bit of time planting drugs and making money. (If they aren't that dedicated, who gives a damn, they honestly won't care about money)
Unless the poor players make enemies with the rich players, which they should try their best not to do, then they should be fine, and be able to make money in peace.