Since you closed the thread I'll reply here.

It's not against the rules, fine, but we should still be able to report it.

Maybe add a section for scam warnings / reports instead of posting in big red letters about how you don't want to hear of scamming on your server. Where else am I supposed to warn people? Discouraging scam reports is selfish and irresponsible. :🙂

People are going to trade $RP on your server regardless. You can either facilitate it and reduce scam instances, or pretend it doesn't exist and allow scammers to flourish by discouraging scam reports.

And btw I was ok with the risk I took and am fine with my lost $RP. I was fully aware of the risks, accepted them, and never even asked for the kid to have action taken on him. People need to know about these things though..

You don't necessarily need to make a report to inform the normal people/members like me and you, you could make some sort of thread in trading saying "so and so scams" that would most likely inform people about the scammer and only idiots would do business with them after that. A report is for breaking RULES not things like scamming which obviously isn't against the rules

Basically if this was allowed on the forums it would be spammed with salty kids that are mad about getting scammed so they wanna make someone elses life hell. If you get scammed and you want to inform others about the scammer just do it in game so that it is said once and over with