I was teaching a new player earlier tonight how to play and I found myself listing rules and dos and don't(s)' that weren't on the rules page so i thought this needed to be made. This is just my 2 cents on currently listed rules as well as the ones that aren't.

Killing Cop cuffs; Simple enough but not listed and punishable with a 10 min VIP jail so I think this would be good to avoid.

Kill in console; I know this falls under glitches and exploits but if you get kicked for using it without knowing you can't use it even as a long time player I didn't know this till recently it can be a bit jarring that no one tells you that it's not in /rules and it's punishable and with the possibility of loss of drugs and money from said kick should be included.

Cops moving players out of the bank; Although should fall under common sense could be costly if done with not knowing and people losing over 10k at a time is hard.

Breaking locks through walls, windows, and objects; exploiting.

I think RDMing needs a better definition because RDM is random death matching and Random is defined as made, done, happening, or chosen without method or conscious decision. So I think it should be reclassified as "Mass Murder of Innocents" because it covers self-defense and cops (kinda) Right now is says "🙁i.e. non defensively killing 10 times in 5 minutes)" which is good but I believe still has room for confusion and depending on what people think of RDM is i.e. revenge killing, emotional killing (cause they are a dick or something) and killing for personal gain/benefit. [money/drugs/bounty] it still isn't clear enough (I like to outline rules for even the most thick-headed of people who don't understand a lot, even though we don't have anyone like that playing cough I think it's good to cover all bases. Simple enough for a rock to understand.)

Also, I want to show a loophole in a rule under cop rules I found the rule is stated as this:
Random Deathmatching as a cop will result in an instant demotion. Do not shoot at unless shot at first.

The part I want to focus on is this one; "Do not shoot at unless shot at first." This rule contradicts this one; As stated above, you may only kill players who HIT you, DO NOT ASSUME a player hits you until you SEE them. Citizens slashing at you.

This is important because it says, Unless shot AT first, not hit or witnessing. But then you have the next rule saying you have to see them HIT you so which rule do you listen to? assuming its the former you good to kill people who shoot in your direction if you take the latter its only people who you see shoot or hit you but that rule could be in reference to just knife attacks and the former could be in relation to shooting. (I know I'm the only one who looks at this in closely but I wanted to bring it up,)

Up next "Do not use any rebel items. (Lock-pick, Door-hack, Cuff-saw)." A good rule I agree with this completely... but what about doors in the pd? and non-owned doors? or secret areas that are only accessible by door hack? I think the perfect rule would say "Do not use any rebel items. (Lock-pick, Door-hack, Cuff-saw). On player owned doors." This way you can use it but only on un-owned doors or ones that are not able to be owned so you can't abuse it on players. Also, this doesn't cover Lock-Breakers I think it should.

Do not Unjail another cops' prisoners without consent from that cop. Who you jail/cuff is your responsibility. (if a cop logs off for the night can they then forfeit their cuffs?)

Kick door may be used when a player has a bounty (2,500 crime or more). So with this one earlier I experienced this when i had 3k crime, used crime reducers and went under 2500 crime about 2300 and still had a bounty and was jailed when i died from it. So if a player goes under 2500 crime but still has a bounty like I did can you still kick door?

Other rules that I think should be added are:

Spawn killing is a no no.

Body blocking in the bank, no no.

Scamming, (in server trading or transactions not the ones with outside currency or trading for in-game items) i think if you agree on trade or transaction in game it then becomes a common law transaction and should be upheld.

If you play music, if everyone is okay with it go ahead but if 1 person doesn't like it turn it off.

no vote-mutes while admins are on

And can we please address the Sub-Door-Whores who buy sub doors for $1 and make it hard to get them reset cause no admins are on.

DISCLAIMER: A lot of these are rules I've heard from players and admins. I don't remember who some might actually be rules and some might not. This is another reason I believe the /rules list should be updated and kept up to date and I know its hard because its not the top of the list on things that make the server run and it can be easily over looked by a busy coder/business owner but I do think it's important for players to have a good sense of how to play and I think it will make the general populous happier to know all the rules. The server is awesome how it is but I just want it to be better, err or more efficient for new players.

Rules I've heard a lot that I'm like %90 aren't real:
"He has over 6k crime he gets viped for that!"
"He has over 4k crime that's a vip!"
"breaking a new players locks is bannable"
"if you plant in bank youll get baned"

some of the grammar is off but I did my best

I'll address a few random ones I see. These are just my opinions, not actual server rules.
Planting in bank can get you banned since that's exploiting the protection zone.
I don't think you need the breaking locks/kill in console since obviously that's exploiting, and clearly, no exploiting.
Spawn killing's not going to change. I'm assuming you mean spawning inside another person and killing them to move. Everyone's just too lazy to type /stuck.

The killing another cops cuff was decided by MyBack and Jamal that it's up to the admin on the server. And up to the cop if there is no admin on and if repeatly done get an admin on to deal with them.

Whenever I'm on I don't take shit from players, a lot don't read the rul s

Dude respect for posting this

MrAnonymous wrote

no vote-mutes while admins are on

I asked myback a while back, or so I remember, this one isn't a rule either.

Seamless plug.
Gimme forum admin so I can delete all the accidental posts

zhopia wrote

Seamless plug.
Gimme forum admin so I can delete all the accidental posts

thats not how it works homie

Earth will take care of those

Most of rules that are broken are not even in the rules...wtf

Dude you actually took the time to address these problems, GG on that mad respect. Most of these are hard to enforce as you have to have evidence to support someone is doing something wrong but when admins are on they are usually good at handling these. Thank you for addressing these problems like honestly that takes some dedication.


Yeah rules do need the be updated soon, it's very annoying trying to explain to a player how a rule is a rule even though it isn't in the rule book.

I have to say alot, "Now this isnt in the rules but dont do it" or "Now this is against the rules but if you do it like this its not" things like that.

MrAnonymous wrote

I have to say alot, "Now this isnt in the rules but dont do it" or "Now this is against the rules but if you do it like this its not" things like that.

You don't have to say it because there are a lot of rules that are obvious and shouldn't even have to be in the rules, and imo if you can't acknowledge that you aren't mature enough to play csgo

Skittle wrote
MrAnonymous wrote

I have to say alot, "Now this isnt in the rules but dont do it" or "Now this is against the rules but if you do it like this its not" things like that.

You don't have to say it because there are a lot of rules that are obvious and shouldn't even have to be in the rules, and imo if you can't acknowledge that you aren't mature enough to play csgo


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Skittle wrote
zhopia wrote

As the MOTD clearly states:
"Do not buy player's RP money with Real Life currencies (PayPal, Bitcoin, etc). If you get scammed by this, we will not take action on this."

I don't think virtual pixels that look cool (Skins) are real life currencies, especially ones that probably cost close to nothing.


zhopia wrote
Skittle wrote
MrAnonymous wrote

I have to say alot, "Now this isnt in the rules but dont do it" or "Now this is against the rules but if you do it like this its not" things like that.

You don't have to say it because there are a lot of rules that are obvious and shouldn't even have to be in the rules, and imo if you can't acknowledge that you aren't mature enough to play csgo


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Skittle wrote
zhopia wrote

As the MOTD clearly states:
"Do not buy player's RP money with Real Life currencies (PayPal, Bitcoin, etc). If you get scammed by this, we will not take action on this."

I don't think virtual pixels that look cool (Skins) are real life currencies, especially ones that probably cost close to nothing.


Oh fuck off.