In-game name: Phoenix Rising
Age: 15
Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:53599124
Do you have a mic and are you willing to use it: I possess a mic and am willing to use it whenever I can
Days of the week are you available to play: Every day, unless my schedule cannot permit activities involving videogames
Hours In-game: 18
Time Zone: Central Standart Time
Experience: This is the first CSGO RP server I have been on, but on GMod I have over 3000 hours logged, 2300 staffing, and 900 staffing hours on
Rules you view as most important: Abuse. I am a superadmin on multiple servers, and that is one thing I cannot permit.
I can reference anyone who wants to have someone to validate this, but as soon as it occurs, there is a warning, followed by instant demotion
Why we should pick you over the applicants: Because of the experience I have in overall staffing, as well as my knowledge and ability to interpret rules to eliminate loopholes.