In-Game name: Murderous Morty
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:11628161
Age: 24

Mic? Normally yeah

Days of the week you are available to play: All, I work from home.

Current Hours In-Game on our server: 56

Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: EST - East coast USA

Rules you view as most important: Don't scare off new players

Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants?: Why not? Also I tend to play at hours where there are no cops on, and I'm an advocate for appropriately small jail times.


I want to be a cop because there usually isn't one online when I tend to play. I also feel players are often put in jail and forgotten for SEVERELY too long. I've repeatedly seen players quit the server because of this and almost did so myself when I first joined. I want the ability to release seemingly decent people before they decide the jail sentence isn't worth staying on the server.

-rep weak application
Please fix the bottom entry... Your applicatuon should look like

[b]In-Game name:[/b]
[b]Steam ID:[/b]

[b]Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it?[/b]

[b]Days of the week you are available to play:[/b]

[b]Current Hours In-Game on our server:[/b]

[b]Time Zone + Location on planet Earth:[/b]

[b]Rules you view as most important:[/b]

[b]Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants?[/b]

Please add to your application and show effort.

-rep app is too short. says don't scare away new players even though when he gets killed by one he yells at them and starts rdming them.

-rep too short and you mostly afk

-rep Learn your way around the server first, also your application is way to short.

=rep Gives keys to his house from new players but app is to short 3=

Doge wrote

=rep Gives keys to his house from new players but app is to short 3=

sorry but can you keep this on topic

SoRanJr wrote

-rep app is too short. says don't scare away new players even though when he gets killed by one he yells at them and starts rdming them.

lol bull, you just tried to start a war with me is all. I've never actually yelled at anyone either.

Denny wrote

-rep too short and you mostly afk

I play at night and AFK in the morning. Usually 4pm - 5am est. I don't really recall seeing you online much during those hours.

Also, Isn't going AFK good for the server?

Homura wrote
Doge wrote

=rep Gives keys to his house from new players but app is to short 3=

sorry but can you keep this on topic

I think that was on topic.. He was giving me +Rep for helping new players. I housed 15 people that needed a place to grow, and eventually let it devolve into a pretty entertaining gang war.

Skittle wrote

-rep Learn your way around the server first, also your application is way to short.

I feel like I know my way around the server already.. just sayin.

Anyway, if you guys want a nighttime cop just let me know. If not that's fine. I feel like I gave fair answers, I don't really want to spend the time fluffing like it's a job application sorry lol, nor do I soo how adding fluff changes my ability to play a fair cop. Are there any specific questions you guys want me to answer or feel I haven't answered? If so I can answer those instead.

Anyway, gonna go wrap up my first mil now.

MurderousMorty wrote
Skittle wrote

-rep Learn your way around the server first, also your application is way to short.

I feel like I know my way around the server already.. just sayin.

Anyway, if you guys want a nighttime cop just let me know. If not that's fine. I feel like I gave fair answers, I don't really want to spend the time fluffing like it's a job application sorry lol, nor do I soo how adding fluff changes my ability to play a fair cop. Are there any specific questions you guys want me to answer?

Anyway, gonna go wrap up my first mil now.

OK if you're not going to spend time on your application, why would they want you as cop .-.

He broke Dareks post record.

-/+rep You are a chill person in game but on the forums your application was weak and you did spam the entire comment section with posts.

Skittle wrote
MurderousMorty wrote
Skittle wrote

-rep Learn your way around the server first, also your application is way to short.

I feel like I know my way around the server already.. just sayin.

Anyway, if you guys want a nighttime cop just let me know. If not that's fine. I feel like I gave fair answers, I don't really want to spend the time fluffing like it's a job application sorry lol, nor do I soo how adding fluff changes my ability to play a fair cop. Are there any specific questions you guys want me to answer?

Anyway, gonna go wrap up my first mil now.

OK if you're not going to spend time on your application, why would they want you as cop .-.

He broke Dareks post record.

Idk, I feel I answered all the questions and I don't see how the length of my forum post changes my ability to play a fair cop. If people have specific questions I will answer.

Joey wrote

-/+rep You are a chill person in game but on the forums your application was weak and you did spam the entire comment section with posts.

Sorry, I was just trying to reply to people.

I asked the same question not to long ago. You're application just shows what kind of person you are, whether or not you're patient enough to deal with the disadvantages of being a cop ( more than you'd think ) , and tests your maturity level regarding on how you respond to other players.

Joey wrote

I asked the same question not to long ago. You're application just shows what kind of person you are, whether or not you're patient enough to deal with the disadvantages of being a cop ( more than you'd think ) , and tests your maturity level regarding on how you respond to other players.

Which question?

Add some more meat to the very last field of your application.

You're a good player but you cannot be accepted without adding a few more sentences to that final field.

You can edit your application by hitting the Modify button.

myback wrote

Add some more meat to the very last field of your application.

You're a good player but you cannot be accepted without adding a few more sentences to that final field.

You can edit your application by hitting the Modify button.

Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants?

I want to be a cop because there usually isn't one online when I tend to play. I also feel players are often put in jail and forgotten for SEVERELY too long. I've repeatedly seen players quit the server because of this and almost did so myself when I first joined. I want the ability to release seemingly decent people before they decide the jail sentence isn't worth staying on the server.

That's genuinely the entire reason. Anything else I could add would be fluffy bull. I'll edit the first post with this.

If this isn't good enough that's fine, toss me in the deny pile and I'll buy the mil $ doorhack and release them anyway. 😉

MurderousMorty wrote
myback wrote

Add some more meat to the very last field of your application.

You're a good player but you cannot be accepted without adding a few more sentences to that final field.

You can edit your application by hitting the Modify button.

Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants?

I want to be a cop because there usually isn't one online when I tend to play. I also feel players are often put in jail and forgotten for SEVERELY too long. I've repeatedly seen players quit the server because of this and almost did so myself when I first joined. I want the ability to release seemingly decent people before they decide the jail sentence isn't worth staying on the server.

That's genuinely the entire reason. Anything else I could add would be fluffy bull. I'll edit the first post with this.

If this isn't good enough that's fine, toss me in the deny pile and I'll buy the mil $ doorhack and release them anyway. 😉

first you might need to read the cop rules cause you cant just release someone just like that there is more to it other then that you seem to have a good point on wanting to be cop