
So this morning some guy with no username came on the server and started talking shit.

First he started spamming ff in console, like a LOT. It didn't do much other than spam chat.

He then started making the server lag like hell, and mentioned while trying to show off or whatever that he was doing it by "Spamming the buy ammo command in console with a keybind".

I don't know what command he was doing but it was pretty severe lag.

After that he started talking about DDOSing the server, naturally we told him he was a script kiddie and couldn't and that's when the server went down for like 30 min or w/e.

Just thought you guys should know.

I have some advice

Edit the thread using this format:

[b]Date of discovery (DD/MM/YY):[/b]

[b]What is the bug/glitch?[/b]

[b]Is it possible to replicate the bug/glitch?[/b]

[b]Screenshots or recorded footage showing this:[/b]

[b]Other comments:[/b]
MurderousMorty wrote


So this morning some guy with no username came on the server and started talking shit.

First he started spamming ff in console, like a LOT. It didn't do much other than spam chat.

He then started making the server lag like hell, and mentioned while trying to show off or whatever that he was doing it by "Spamming the buy ammo command in console with a keybind".

I don't know what command he was doing but it was pretty severe lag.

After that he started talking about DDOSing the server, naturally we told him he was a script kiddie and couldn't and that's when the server went down for like 30 min or w/e.

Just thought you guys should know.

First of all, who are you reporting and second of all

Date of discovery (DD/MM/YY):

What is the bug/glitch?

Is it possible to replicate the bug/glitch?

Screenshots or recorded footage showing this:

Other comments:

He literally had no name. I gave all the info I have for you guys. Goodluck. Also I just reaalized i posted in wrong section. Oops. Somebody took screens and got their steam ID i believe and said they would report. idk who though.

If it helps he changed his name a few times, the only ones I remember was #Developer and a blank space.

If you have server logs any admin should be able to see the flood of "ff" and whatever else he used this morning. Like 11am EST ish.

Thanks for the report, like others have said try using the format next time.

Moved to the appropriate section.

Earth wrote

Moved to the appropriate section.

nonono, he was reporting the glitch that this guy used.