In-Game name: ps1210
Steam ID:76561198162726416
Age: 15

Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? Yes i have a medium grade microphone worth around $50 (just got a new headset)

Days of the week you are available to play: I can mostly play every day like 6 days a week

Current Hours In-Game on our server: 70 hours

Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: I live in the united states CST timezone (central standard time)

Rules you view as most important: No mass murdering and no exploiting

Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants? I think that this sever is very intuitive and is my favorite community server on cs go. I want to be apart of helping this server grow and I want to try and help the server so it can be a bit nicer in any way I can. I rely hate to see the server infested with rdmers/murderers. I like the aspects of what they took from other RP servers like darkrp on Garry's mod and took the time and effort to make it something new and different. I want make the server better for new players that are just starting out because there is always that one person that keeps killing everyone and i just want to help the serer be better for everyone.

Re: ps1210 cop application

-rep Application is way to short and you need to learn your way around the server A LOT more.

Re: ps1210 cop application

-rep too short.

Re: ps1210 cop application

ok thanks for the tips it is my first time doing something like this ill keep that in mind for next time.

Re: ps1210 cop application

-rep needs more length and more experience

Re: ps1210 cop application

small application, could use some more work, looks kind of rushed

a nice man on the server, very very very kind

so that means +/- rep
if he adds to the app he will be +rep 😃

Re: ps1210 cop application

-rep It would be a +rep but due to the lack of effort in the application I don't see how it could be a +rep . But at the same time does his application really matter on whether he is a op or not? Maybe I'm just not seeing it.

Re: ps1210 cop application

By hours it means hours on server. Ps check your score under kills on the server for hours.

Re: ps1210 cop application

+rep he helps all the new players if they ask a question. hes a good map

Re: ps1210 cop application

Linx wrote

By hours it means hours on server. Ps check your score under kills on the server for hours.

yes i know I have over 100 hours on csgo laxative explained that

Re: ps1210 cop application

ps1210 wrote
Linx wrote

By hours it means hours on server. Ps check your score under kills on the server for hours.

yes i know I have over 100 hours on csgo laxative explained that

Not CSGO hours.
In server hours.

Re: ps1210 cop application

Linx wrote
ps1210 wrote
Linx wrote

By hours it means hours on server. Ps check your score under kills on the server for hours.

yes i know I have over 100 hours on csgo laxative explained that

Not CSGO hours.
In server hours.

yes that is why i put 33 hours

Re: ps1210 cop application

ps1210 wrote
Linx wrote
ps1210 wrote
Linx wrote

By hours it means hours on server. Ps check your score under kills on the server for hours.

yes i know I have over 100 hours on csgo laxative explained that

Not CSGO hours.
In server hours.

yes that is why i put 33 hours

K now i see it

Re: ps1210 cop application

ps1210 wrote

ok thanks for the tips it is my first time doing something like this ill keep that in mind for next time.

top left courner there is a modify button you, can fix it

6 days later

Re: ps1210 cop application

+rep very good player, he helped me as a beginner

Re: ps1210 cop application

I thought we accepted him?

Re: ps1210 cop application

[font=comic sans ms]+rep[/font]

Helps new players and is friendly, i don't think the whole "what rule do you want to blah blah the most really means anything" As for your application. RunonsentencesarentgoodforanyonesometimesyouneedtouseaPERIOD>>>>. Otherwise good player. And this whole "you need more time" thing no you don't. 30hr is the requirement i don't think people need more hours to be cop its a matter of the person not the experience.

5 days later

+rep very friendly player never seen him get mad or have a bad mouth/say foul language