In-game name: Gnome
Age: 17
Steam ID: 76561198079637310
Do you have a mic and are you willing to use it: I do have a microphone and willing to use it whenever necessary.
Days of the week are you available to play:
I am available everyday unless something unexpected occurs.
Hours In-game: 25
Time Zone: Central Standard Time
I played on DarkRP for 254 hours so I have a general idea on how to be a cop and have a couple friends on moonshade that are cops with experience.
Rules you view as most important:
I believe that mass rdming is the most important rule to enforce as it is extremely irritating to new players and can cause them to rage quit. The second most important rule I believe is killing people in the bank as I have been killed a couple times in the bank after drug runs and it is frustrating when the rule is not being enforced.
Why we should pick you over the applicants:
I see huge potential in this server and plan on staying on it for a while. I am very active and online for a large portion of my days. I would not abuse my powers unlike some of the power hungry people out there 😛