Your In-Game name:Doge
Offenders In-Game name:flycrippin
Offenders Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:13653071
What server did this happen on?Roleplay
What rules did the offender break?Being way to toxic and scaring off the new players
Proof by screenshots or recorded footage, if any: <--- Five min after I spoke out on Underwaters report and -repped it
Other Comments:I think he should be banned, he is a nuisance to the server and he has scared away many new players, for example I remember there was a new player I was helping out for a while; One day he was walking up to my house because I let him live there because he was new. He bumped in to flycrippin and he killed him. Then fly said that if I didn't remove his keys he would break all my locks so I was forced to remove his keys. From that day I have never seen him on the server. I think we should gang up on Flycrippin and give him whats coming to him. And fly crippin if you wanna "fucc me up" again thats alright, because as long as you are not bothering new players or breaking locks to mid players then im fine. I don't really need a lot of proof to show why he should be banned, most of the admins in the server know why, That's about all I have to say about this.