Date of discovery (DD/MM/YY):03/04/2016
What is the bug/glitch?If you are put in the afk room by a cop and then let you do /exitafk, you can do /exitafk to whenever, for example lets say you're getting chased down by some cops and you have an exit afk bind, so if they're about to cuff you you can just /exitafk and it will teleport you away.
Is it possible to replicate the bug/glitch?Yes you can replicate the glitch, the only requierment is that you have to be put in the afk room by a cop
Screenshots or recorded footage showing this:Nope but you can go test it for urself
Other comments:Just like to make the game fair <3 Haven't told any1 about this yet, I've tried doing it while in a jail cell but it does nothing, if you leave the server and rejoin and do /exitafk it just tells you [Access Denied]