Your In-Game name:Doge
Offenders In-Game name:Tucker
Offenders Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:97125381
What server did this happen on?Roleplay
What rules did the offender break?Putting people in vip when they're not vipable
Proof by screenshots or recorded footage, if any:
Other Comments: Tucker was putting everyone in the server in vip because they were RDMing and I told him that they have to have 10 kills in 10 minutes and he said he could put them in vip if he thinks they deserved to be in vip, I was unable to get the screenshot with everyone in vip but I was able to get one of me with 600s time and in a reg jail, the reason I was in a reg jail cell is because he uncuffed 1 person and then that one person killed everyone in the vip room so that everyone got put back in a regular cell. I think he should get a re-training or get his cop temp taken away.