In-Game name: Bot Bunny
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:54955213
Age: 16
Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it?
Yes! I have a microphone and WILL use it.
Days of the week you are available to play:
I am avaliable to play every day of the week unless something I do not know about happens (Which doesnt happen often because lets face it, I have no life).
Current Hours In-Game on our server:
Currently I have 123 hours, but that number is always rising.
Time Zone + Location on planet Earth:
Central (-6) / United States
Rules you view as most important:
- Player rules apply alongside above(cop) rules.
a) This rule I find important because it shows Cops are not above the laws a Citizen must also follow. They are not immune to such actions.
- Do not spam the chat or yell/scream in the microphone.
b) This rule is important because come on, we all know Mic spam can get annoying quickly and it just looks badly upon the community.
- Keep in mind, You are held liable for all actions you do as a cop.
c) This is important. Cops are not above any laws and should be treated as such. Cops have special rules they must follow and should not be able to sue the excuse "I didn't know" or "I didnt mean to make you make." Things that Cops do they should be responsible for, accidents included, they should own up and face their punishment. New or Not.
Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants?
I would like to be a cop because its something I can do to help out the server and be more involved in the community. I loved being a Cop for the time I had. It was one of the many things I love about MoonShade. I believe I would be a better choice than other applicants because I am experienced and am very seasoned. I know the rules and how the server works very well. I have been on both sides of the law and understand how things work.
Extra Information:
I have been cop before as a very active member until i had a death(s) in my family that struck me. I didn't game very much, nor did i do anything during that time.. I just wanted to have that said as to why i went inactive back in October. I would also like to link my application from when i got Cop before. I would also like to say I put a lot of effort into my application to make it good and unique, I hope it shows.,613.0.html
Thank you so much for your time!!