In game name: "Yama???????"

Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:24209399

Rule Broken: POSSIBLE noclip to gain advantage in a fire fight


NOTE: I'm 99% sure this is a misunderstanding however 100% sure the fact that he noclipped helped him in this firefight. He was Very, Very, apologetic, and asked to not report it, but it's still something that I believe should be logged. I respect him as a admin, and believe that this is, in fact, amisunderstanding, and was not meant to be taken in the way it was. The only way it could have not helped him in this firefight is if he was black and literally ran faster than the husaine bolt, because there was absolutely no way that he could go half a street in 4 seconds. Mind you, his side of the story is that he was stuck in a "bit of trash" (after eating,) and noclipped out, then explained how it did not help him, when it is clear it does.

NOTE 2: I don't think punishment is in the best interest of both parties, but I believe a lesson could be learned from this and as a future reference that if you use an admin command, you should not be killing or otherwise using it anywhere it could be viewed as a illegal and abusive action.

Noted. Thanks for the feedback Liam.